Do you believe in God? Yes or No?

2020-08-23 3:02 am

My question is clear & simple ! If you find such simple Question hard to understand or ambiguous then I can't help ya. Thanks for answers :) 

回答 (123)

2020-08-23 4:09 am
Yes, because prayers are answered.
2020-08-23 6:04 am

2020-08-23 4:39 am
Yes. As a scientist, I "believe in" everything supported by strong, clear evidence.
Catholic biologist
2020-08-23 3:20 am
2020-08-23 8:21 am
I don’t but I’m open to pursuation. I’d love to think so. 
2020-08-23 8:00 pm
I think it is easy to find reasons to believe a God exists, but I have never found a reason that I could call a "good" reason to even suspect the possibility of Gods, so I don't believe any Gods exist.

Religions have made it even harder to believe since I can see the handy work of men involved and not something from a higher intelligence.

Finally there are even good reasons as to why the concept of God should be impossible, such as the necessary order of complexity, where "all" complex existence can be traced back to simpler beginnings. I will always be open to new information but it is not looking good for anything to support the possibility of Gods.
2020-08-24 12:40 am
Believers obviously obtain their belief by reading books ie; bible quran etc, all such books were written by men who already had control or wanted control over various people. I have nothing to say for the quran as that is nothing but  basic copy of the useless bible that falls into the category of my first sentence here above. What would a god need with a book; think ?!  EX. The NT is a total lie page one to the last.  You Christians have been taught by your parents and preachers, priests etc; excuse me, that would be brainwashed. You can't study the NT or OT because all you do is read and believe, just as you were taught.  The Catholics are not encouraged to read the bible, they are guided like little children to come to church and pick up a missal (that small book) which is printed each year, of the nonsense that the priests are to use for their sermons, and to guide the dumb sheep.  I have read your bible (have no intention of reading all of that quran as I am aware of its origin,) and I will tell you believers of the bible, particularly the NT, that you have been fooled by the false claims in it; also every one of those so-called prophecies are totally false, as each one was plagiarized from the OT and manipulated to fit the lie(s) of the NT.  God is nothing but a made up word used to guide the gullible and thereby use them as slaves and fools from whom to steal money. If you try to reply to this, prove me wrong and save yourself much time. To say that what I say is false, you have to show that those are not false; but where is your evidence?  You have none, and BTW being gullible is not cute, nor useful.  It is caused by belief of lies that will control your gullibility. You need to come into the real world if you want to live in truth and reality.  All so-called gods are myths which are nothing but lies to control the foolish who will believe in nonsense.   See you around!
2020-08-26 5:25 am
Yes!  I can feel God's Noodly Appendages Touching my Heart!
2020-08-25 8:00 pm
2020-08-25 2:17 am

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