Do you feel the Democrats have spent too much time pushing fake narratives?

2020-08-22 5:03 am

回答 (6)

2020-08-22 5:07 am
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Yes............They think Americans cannot see their lies and corruption just because the liberal media does not present it to America. 
2020-08-22 5:14 am
no. democrats are usually honest. id worry about republikkklans lying to you.
2020-08-22 5:09 am
No, but the Republicans spent too much time covering up trump's crimes. William Barr covered up George H.W. Bush's involvement in the Iran Contra scandal when he was Attorney General in the early 1990s. That's why trump appointed him to be his Attorney General, Barr already had experience covering up for a Republican President.
2020-08-22 5:03 am
You're thinking of Fox News. They are not Democrats.
Glad I could clear that up.
2020-08-22 5:09 am
Which would those be? 

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