Marbles without replacement question?

2020-08-21 4:40 pm
If I have 2 blue marbles, 3 red marbles, and 5 yellow marbles, what is the probabilty of selecting 2 red marbles and 3 yellow marbles if I draw 5 times without replacement? 

Is there a clear-cut formula for this scenario where there is no replacement?

In any order, sorry! So it’s combination, not permutation

回答 (2)

2020-08-21 7:39 pm
Number of ways to select 5 marbles from 10 = ₁₀C₅
Number of ways to select 2 red marbles and 3 yellow marbles = ₃C₂ × ₅C₃

P(select 2 red marbles and 3 yellow marbles)
= ₃C₂ × ₅C₃ / ₁₀C₅
= 3 × 10 / 252
= 5/42
2020-08-21 5:08 pm
I will assume that the marbles are non-distinct, i.e. the order does not matter.

Let's assume that the marbles are selected in the order R, R, Y, Y, Y

so, 3/10 x 2/9 x 5/8 x 4/7 x 3/6 => 1/84

Now, the combination of 2 reds and 3 yellows can occur in 5C2 ways

Now, 5C2 = 5!/2!3! => 10

so, 10 x (1/84) = 10/84 = 5/42


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