Probability Question?

2020-08-21 12:47 pm
Of the people who apply for executive positions, those with a university degree have 0.33 chance of eventually being successful, while those without have 0.17 chance.  If 78% of all applicants for a job have a university degree, find the probability that the successful applicant does not have one.  

回答 (2)

2020-08-21 3:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
p = (successes, no degree) / (total successes)
p = 0.22⋅0.17 / (0.78⋅0.33 + 0.22⋅0.17) 
p = 0.1269

btw the other answer here at the time of writing effectively gives the probability that a randomly chosen candidate will be successful and has no degree. Whereas the question is restricted to successful candidates.
2020-08-21 2:17 pm
S: successful applicant
D: applicant with a university degree
D': applicant without a university degree

P(D) = 78% = 0.78
P(D') = 1 - 0.78 = 0.22

Those without a university degree have 0.17 chance of eventually being successful:
P(S|D') = 0.17
P(S and D') / P(D') = 0.17
P(S and D') / 0.22 = 0.17
P(S and D') = 0.0374

P(the successful applicant does not have a university degee)
= P(S and D')
= 0.0374

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:57:24
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