What reactions take place at the cathode and the anode when each of the following is electrolyzed? Assume standard conditions. ?

2020-08-21 2:04 am
What reactions take place at the cathode and the anode when each of the following is electrolyzed? Assume standard conditions. (Use the lowest possible coefficients. Omit states-of-matter from your answer.)

I got the cathode for one and the anode for another, but I don't know if I should take into account possible hydrolization? This is what I have so far.   (a) 1.0 M CdCl2 solutioncathode: Cd^2+ +2e^- --> Cdanode: Cl_2 -->2Cl^- +2e^-For this one the cathode was marked right and the anode was marked wrong.(b) 1.0 M AlBr3 solution
cathode: Al-->Al^3+ +3e^-
anode: 2Br^- -->Br_2 +2e^-         

For this one the cathode was marked wrong while the anode was marked right 

I'm not sure what I am supposed to do from here as I got part of the questions correct. I don't think I understand how to get the other halves of the questions. Thank you 

回答 (1)

2020-08-21 2:21 am
The dissociation of CdCl₂ gives Cd²⁺ and Cl⁻ ions, while the slight dissociation of water gives H⁺ and OH⁻ ions.

Cd²⁺ and H⁺ ions migrate to the cathode. At the cathode, Cd²⁺ ion is preferentially discharged because Cd²⁺ ion has a higher concentration than H⁺ ion.
Cd²⁺ + 2e⁻ → Cd

Cl⁻ and OH⁻ ions migrate to the anode. At the anode, Cl⁻ is preferentially discharged because Cl⁻ ion has a higher concentration than OH⁻ ion.
2Cl⁻ → Cl₂ + 2e⁻

The dissociation of AlBr₃ gives Al³⁺ and Br⁻ ions, while the slight dissociation of water gives H⁺ and OH⁻ ions.

Al³⁺ and H⁺ ions migrate to the cathode. At the cathode, H⁺ ion is preferentially discharged because it is hardly for Al³⁺ ion to be reduced.
2H⁺ + 2e⁻ → H₂
(Sometimes written as: 2H₂O → 2OH⁻ + H₂)

Br⁻ and OH⁻ ions migrate to the anode. At the anode, Br⁻ is preferentially discharged because Br⁻ ion has a higher concentration than OH⁻ ion.
2Br⁻ → Br₂ + 2e⁻

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