我主要上網和What app, 請問手機除了上台外 , 可否用電話卡取代 (半年期或一年期的?) ,  因每日上網時間不多 , 想節省費用 o 請有識之士賜敎 o 深水埗曾見過有類似的卡賣 o?

2020-08-20 12:53 pm

回答 (2)

2020-08-20 4:10 pm
CSL有一年期,$180 65GB,深水埗買
2020-08-20 3:41 pm
You can.

The problem is either you will have to pay a higher cost (than a new card) to continued service (i.e. same number), or you have to switch a new number every time you have a new card.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:16:11
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