Are you a fan of Greta Thunberg? Why or why not? ?

2020-08-19 10:07 pm

回答 (14)

2020-08-19 10:18 pm
She's a kid, so I can't be too hard on her. She hasn't learned the importance of subtlety or tact yet. Having said that, kids should not be treated as experts on any topic, especially topics as important as climate change. So I'm neutral on Greta, but I'm definitely not a fan of the adults who keep pushing her into the spotlight. 
2020-08-19 10:15 pm
Yes and no.  Sparking popular interest in climate systems is beneficial, but promoting a climate crisis is not.  I don't believe that the Earth is doomed.  Some people like to vilify carbon dioxide, for example, not acknowledging that it is food for the base of the food chain.  She is another human who focuses mainly on impacts on people and not on the planet as a whole.
2020-08-19 11:02 pm
Annoying children should be in school and not scolding adults.  I blame her parents though as she is just one of the young and dumb so it's not really her fault.  But in answer to your question.  Not a fan.  
2020-08-19 10:30 pm
Sorry but I can't stand her.She seems to be governed by what her parents tell her to say and I only have to look at her and I feel sick.I don't believe in her ideas and she should keep her opinions to herself.
2020-08-19 10:26 pm
Neutral.I like her mindset  of advocating for a greener earth ,but she does things in  the wrong ways. Funny  how these same people who hate her don't go after greedy corporations or policiticans who only care about themselves.Anyone  who cares about the environment is a libtard, according to these low iq morons.I'm a  nationalist,but I  support  a greener earth.
2020-08-19 10:20 pm
Yes.  Because she promotes science and speaks up against the anti science right wing movement that will destroy the environment if they are not stopped.
2020-08-19 10:30 pm
Nah she’s annoying i’m sorry
2020-08-19 10:10 pm
She is an evil rude Baby who needs a Good thrashing to get some manners it is NOT her Planet it is Mine I have lived here for 90 years no Little Girl who never had any Kind of a Job tells me what to do
2020-09-02 12:04 am
Yes, I am a fan because she enrages people who are stupid.
2020-08-20 12:12 pm
No, she's a little twit who basically parrots what her parents and handlers feed her.  I mean her much ballyhooed speech in Washington was pretty much nothing more than an extended temper tantrum before Congress.  She's had photo ops with both George Soros and Palestinian terrorists, and her and her parents have no problem wearing "Antifa" T-Shirts in public.

Not to mention the fact that when she gets her "How Dare You" face going, she looks a lot like Chuck from the movie Child's Play.

I would say I can't stand her, but that's not really true.  I simply don't care one way or the other about her.
2020-08-19 10:46 pm
I wouldn't say I'm a "fan" but I think what she's doing is important and impressive.
2020-08-19 10:32 pm
I am impressed by her ability to speak out at such a young age. She clearly feels strongly about her message and is able to stand in the spotlight and communicate her ideas. I happen to agree with her, however even if I disagreed, I would be impressed by her courage and success.
2020-08-19 10:28 pm
Yes, she knows more about the truth regarding destruction of the environment than do most.
2020-08-19 10:10 pm
No.  Other than say "Orange Man Bad", which lots of other people say, what does she do?  

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