Fox and friends say that the Donald inherited a broken Post Office, why has he not told the People about it until now or did something ?

2020-08-19 7:58 am
to fix it? 
He has had three an a half years!

回答 (2)

2020-08-19 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Just like everything else, he will fix the Post Office when HE can benefit from it. He has had three and a half years to fix ObamaCare, He has had three and a half years to lock up Hillary, he has had three and a half years to improve infrastructure too. These are promises he made in 2016. He kept none of them. And cons still support him?
2020-08-19 8:02 am
He has you just aren't listening. The guy he picked as Postmaster General spent his life building a world class logistics company. Because the Post Office needed to be fixed. People like you go through life uninformed but when we argue with you you pretend you're right.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:01:39
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