《英文問題》請問,They couldn't sign them up fast enough. 到底是‘迫不及待的想簽下他們’,‘還是沒辦法很快的簽下他們’。為什麼?還有其他例句嗎?非常感謝!?

2020-08-16 11:31 pm

回答 (4)

2020-08-17 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They couldn't sign them fast enough
=not fast enough
;enough is adv of degree(placed after adj.adv,and pp;沒辦法很快的簽下.
Other examples are:-
The meat is not cooked well enough.
You are not wearing warm enough.
What I mean you do not know well enough.
If you believe her, you are foolish enough.
You are not man enough to admit your mistake.. You are old enough to know the answer, because you read well enough.This answer is easy enough for a junior to read.You are sure enough in a degree that satisfy doubt as you expected in sign up fast enough.
2020-08-17 12:15 pm
can't fast enough是“快到不能再快”,也就以最快的速度去做某事的意思。
They couldn't sign  up fast enough. 


2020-08-17 10:25 am
曾經看過這樣的例句, 是一家新創公司的產品很熱門, 要sign up的人很多, 但公司能夠處理的速度不夠快, 沒辦法很快的簽下他們 (可能導致某些人跑到別的競爭對手那裏去)
2020-08-18 11:47 pm
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