Should The NFL cancel the season?

2020-08-16 2:57 pm

回答 (13)

2020-08-16 8:53 pm
No.  Corona is real and it's a problem, but we have both overreacted and MIS-reacted to it due to media pressure.  The NFL players are young and healthy and the risk is relatively modest.  Coaches and other folks who aren't should not participate.  Sorry Andy Reid, but you need to be in a booth or otherwise separated from your team.

The NFL should do it's best to test and quarantine players that contract covid, and teams should be given MUCH larger rosters than normal so that they can deal with this challenge.  But we need to accept, players ARE going to get sick...and a few will get very sick.  But there's good odds that would have happened even without football.

Every helmet should be fitted with a plexiglass visor (which is not new, but should now be mandatory) and the bits by the face mask should be plexiglass protected to prevent spittle.  Players and personnel that aren't winded should wear masks.
2020-08-16 3:44 pm
Honestly I hope these overpaid crybabies have to sit out for a year.
2020-08-16 10:41 pm
If they can play without fans in the stands, it should be alright to play.
2020-08-16 4:18 pm
It should be canceled to teach America-hating brain damaged thugs what happens when they disrespect their country.
2020-08-16 3:19 pm
Unless the teams can play in a bubble, I would cancel the season. 

Look at sports that plays in a bubble vs sports that don’t play in a bubble. (I’m not going to use other countries because South Korea and Japan has better control of the virus than we do). Basketball and hockey has had no outbreaks. Players are against each other, breathing into each other’s faces. Still no outbreaks. 

Then you look at baseball which is mostly a non-contact sport and there’s been like 30 cases. They have 26-30 players in the clubhouse, sitting and spitting next to each other. 

Football is even worse. You have 53 players on each team sitting next to each other. When they’re line up at scrimmage, at least 10 players are face to face. If there’s a loose fumble, you can have 10+ people on top of each other, breathing into each other. 
2020-08-31 10:24 am

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2020-08-23 10:00 am
I rather them not it is too risky.
2020-08-19 9:58 am
Cancelling the season would have been best because football involves full contact, which causes some risk of community spread of this COVID-19 pathogen. 
2020-08-18 1:41 pm
I think they'll play but without a crowd.
2020-08-18 2:12 am
No . There is a lot of time in this year to think about it
2020-08-17 11:28 pm
No need right now,,
2020-08-17 8:02 am
Not right now. That depends on the confitions next month.
2020-08-16 10:41 pm
I say no.But would not be surprised if they do

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:00:24
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