
2020-08-15 11:14 pm
對的,我很喜歡傳統繪圖(traditional drawing),雖然自從接觸數位繪圖後比較少用傳統的繪圖方式了,但在紙上作畫時的觸感、紙材與上色工具的氣味與繪製時隨興揮灑產生的效果,我覺得是數位繪圖無法取代的,因此我很喜歡傳統繪圖。你呢?有比較喜歡或常用的繪圖工具以及繪圖方式嗎?


回答 (2)

2020-08-16 6:24 pm
The translation from C/E:-
Yes, I like traditional drawing , although recently the contact with digital drawing is more popular than traditional drawing methods. Yet in the paper painting on the touch, paper and color tools, the smell and the effect of immediate idea generation drawing, I think digital drawing can not replace those sensations.. So I like traditional drawing all the more.  What about you? Are there some favorite or particular used drawing tools, styles and methods?
2020-08-16 2:01 am
對的,我很喜歡傳統繪圖(traditional drawing),
Yes, I'm into traditional drawing.

Even though I have been using less and less of the traditional drawing techniques since my initial experiment of digital drawing, the touches of making paper drawings, the smell of materials and tools, as well as the indulgence of the idea generation are all irreplaceable sensations.

Therefore, I enjoy traditional drawing.

How about you?  Do you like any particular tools or styles?求以上整段的中翻英,先謝謝幫忙的大佬們了!
Please translate the passage above into English.  Thank you.

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