Does he only like me physically?

2020-08-15 5:09 am
I said no sex at the beginning of this relationship and he respected that
But I don't feel much of an emotional connection... We text but it's mainly just me starting the convos...
And when we see eachother everything is typically physical and he starts making out with me...
Ik there is covid and things are limited but still

We for the most part did things online at first actually... We met in person. He found me on Facebook from pictures of the event we met at. We chatted back then, then a year later and couple months (one month ago) he asked me out. Then we started seeing eachother once each week (or two). First day nothing physical. Then after that when we saw eachother he kept making moves and each time it'd get more physical than the last. This past week he kissed my neck like crazy.

回答 (3)

2020-08-15 5:27 am
Sex might be fun obviously, as are drink and drugs no doubt, but outside of a strong and well established relationship it can turn out to be disastrous. Not only can pregnancy and STDs result, but sexual intercourse can often be emotionally bonding (especially if regular or frequent), and when the strong friendship, mutual values and interests etc. are not in place this can prove emotionally confusing. Just read some of the questions here, or watch some of the daytime t.v. shows with very unhappy people who have had sex too soon and/or with the wrong person. It can also cost a girl her self respect and the respect of others (including future boyfriends).

Good Luck
2020-08-15 5:12 am
He's using you.  Wake up.
2020-08-15 5:40 am
Yeah he prob just wants sex. It's typically an issue most women face when they date IRL. Only dating online resolves that problem. .Edit: In that case, if you chatted for a long time online, he might actually like you for you. He might just REALLY like you

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