Heard on the news today that Kamala Harris MAY NOT BE ELIGIBLE...what's the story, days before the Democratic Convention  ?

2020-08-14 7:14 am

回答 (8)

2020-08-14 8:14 am
BIRTHER crap from the office holder.  He's got nothing.  
2020-08-14 7:28 am
Fake news!  Try again, trump propagandist.
2020-08-14 4:53 pm
The news is that Republicans are inventing lies that Kamala Harris was not born in USA. It’s an outright lie. She was born in Oakland, Ca. 

Funny how they only question the birthplace of Americans whose skin is a darker shade than theirs.
2020-08-14 7:07 pm
More 'Year of Fear' nonsense from the Rep. party...and (same as it ever was) it involves blacks again - especially the kind who happen to be intellectual and - even more fearful; law-abiding. 
Look at how many rushed to see if such people (Harris, Obama and all) had brushed with the law - or had relatives who were 'not as clean living' - Samuel B. Kent notwithstanding - as the rest of us.
In this like this, Wikipedia is our friend!
2020-08-15 4:04 am
fake news...............................................
2020-08-14 8:17 am
Here's the story

SO: because neither of her parents was a citizen at the time of her birth
AND because at the time of her birth being born in the U.S. was not by itself sufficient to qualify the newborn for citizenship
she also was not a citizen at birth.

If not a natural-born citizen
she is not eligible to run for either President or Vice-President.

As that article makes clear
no U.S. court will ever bother hearing the case
but legally there IS a case.
2020-08-15 7:44 am
Must have been fox.
2020-08-16 5:31 am
Some answers here are wrong. Birthright citizenship was granted by the 14th amendment that was ratified on July 9, 1868. Anyone born on USA soil after that date is granted birthright citizenship regardless of whether their parents were citizens at the time. Senator Harris would have to be older than 152 YEARS for her to not be a natural born citizen of the USA. EVERYTHING else is just bs. Guaranteed by the 14th amendment in 1868.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:55:40
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