
2020-08-13 10:19 pm
For the sake of 如果當作「因為」是不是不能放句首

@TOMING88 only place at the beginning of sentence when adding the noun”safety”?

回答 (2)

2020-08-14 11:57 am

He would do anything for the sake of money.這是正常的句序。

For the sake of money, he would do anything.這是「倒裝」,用來強調。前面的資訊會受到讀者的注意。

1. for the sake of ... =for ...'s sake = 為了...的緣故(表示目的,利益)
2. because of..., on account of ... =由於...(表示原因,理由)

把for the sake of xxx寫成for xxx's sake是比較簡潔的方式:
For God's sake, do it. =看在老天的份上,做吧!(加強,祈使語氣)
What are you doing, for goodness sake?=你究竟在做什麼?(強調疑問句)
For both our sakes we must do our best.=為了我們雙方,我們必須䀆全力。
I didn't do it for my own sake. =我不是為了我自己做這件事的。
I don't like to argue for argument's sake.=我討厭為議論而議論。
2020-08-13 11:29 pm
for the sake of safety means because of; on account of; for this reason; for our sake; for the sake of "safety" which should be placed at beginning of sentence:-
eg:-For the sake of safety, we must accept the Covid19 tests.
"for the sake of safety" is a phrase of reason/cause. 
Inversion is to put  the "Object" in the opposite position or order of the sentence:-
eg:-By Inverting倒轉的前後倒轉的修辞:-
eg:-For the sake of inverting , we can put the subject in the position of the main clause .
ie:-meaning the inverting phrase----> main clause.of the sentence.
eg:-for the sake of=for the purpose of=adj phrase:-
eg:-For the sake of boasting吹噓, he just keep talking loudly.
-----He just keep talking loudly for the sake of boasting吹噓-------Subject (in grammar) is the noun,pronoun which is most closely related to the verb in forming a sentence-----"keep talking" verb.------> for the sake of
eg:-For the sake of annoyance使烦恼生氣 , what's the matter ?

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