What 1st world problem is more annoying than a hard boiled egg that is really difficult to peel?

2020-08-13 12:55 am

回答 (9)

2020-08-13 3:33 pm
You should know by now which category this question should be asked in,so come closer and i will stamp on the hard boiled egg for you
2020-08-13 5:49 am
Listening to nonsensical bullshit from idiots like you  ?
2020-08-13 1:40 am
You're talking about english foitball?  How about choosing which anti-perspirant to use?
2020-08-13 1:01 am
You're too fat to fit inside of that cute little sports car.
2020-08-13 12:56 am
Buying more food than your refrigerator can hold.  
2020-08-13 1:00 am
When you call to make dinner reservations and their computer is down. That's the worst.
2020-08-17 12:06 pm
Easy, two hard boiled eggs that are really difficult to peel. You see, the clue is always in the question.
2020-08-17 1:41 am
Trying to fix climate change when you have only 1.5% of world emissions.
2020-08-16 9:06 am
getting home from a drive through and they forgot something

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