How long does it take to fly to the California in an airplane?

2020-08-11 12:39 pm

回答 (8)

2020-08-11 1:31 pm
It depends where you are flying from. You forgot to tell us that.
2020-08-11 4:15 pm
It rather depends where you're flying from.
2020-08-11 8:10 pm
It depends on where you're starting and where exactly in California you're going.  You could have a flight that is only around an hour, while you could have a flight that is up to 17 hours.
2020-08-12 8:41 am
5. It takes a total of 5.
2020-08-18 3:40 am
Depends on where you're flying from.
2020-08-16 6:54 pm
That all depends on where the aeroplane is heading. For instance, if it lands in Uzbekistan it could take you ages to get back.
2020-08-13 9:59 pm
Please state the location you’re starting from and the type of aircraft (Eg. Boeing 777 or Airbus A330) you’re travelling on. 
2020-08-13 9:12 am
Well you don’t say where from but the fact you say “The” California , suggests you are  a British lady aged about 80, probably from the north of England. ( the use of airplane rather than aeroplane is slightly at odds with that but I’ll assume you had to get one of your grand children to help).
So we’ll say Manchester to LA, non stop us just over 11 hours.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:36:24
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