What if I told you Jesus was married and he had children?

2020-08-11 11:54 am
Because it wasn't normal for a guy 2000 years ago to be single at the age of 30. Most people were married at 16 back then. 

回答 (12)

2020-08-11 4:14 pm
The Bible makes clear that Jesus was not married, even though it does not specifically comment on his marital status. Consider the following.

The Bible frequently refers to Jesus’ family as well as to women who accompanied him during his ministry and who stood by when he was executed, yet it never mentions his having a wife. (Matthew 12:46, 47; Mark 3:​31, 32; 15:40; Luke 8:​2, 3, 19, 20; John 19:25) The most plausible reason why the Bible is silent on this matter is that he was never married.

Concerning those who remain unmarried so that they can do more in God’s service, Jesus told his disciples: “Let the one who can make room for it [singleness] make room for it.” (Matthew 19:10-​12) He set the pattern for those who choose not to marry in order to devote themselves more fully to God.​—John 13:15; 1 Corinthians 7:​32-​38.

Just before he died, Jesus arranged for the care of his mother. (John 19:25-​27) If Jesus had been married or had fathered children, he would have made sure that such close family members were provided for as well.

The Bible uses Jesus as an example for husbands, but it does not refer to the way he treated a human wife. Instead, it says: “Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it.” (Ephesians 5:​25) If Jesus had actually been married while on earth, would not his perfect example as a literal husband have been used in that verse?
2020-08-12 10:55 am
Sorry, there was no Mrs. God.
2020-08-11 6:18 pm
I would say you are ignorant, and/or demonic possessed
2020-08-11 12:20 pm
I would say you were wrong!
Jesus was/is "betrothed" to the Church.
He did not marry for that reason and one other. The other reason was that if he had fathered children they would have been used/groomed for "leadership" because they were his children.
2020-08-11 11:58 am
Bad use of logic, just because most people did something that does not mean that ALL people did the same thing. 
2020-08-11 12:07 pm
Jesus wasn’t on earth for romance and marriage. It doesn’t seem likely that such His main mission was to die for the sins of mankind, that he would get married only to leave his wife a willow and children fatherless.
2020-08-12 4:30 am
As if the incarnate son of the living God should be "normal"?
2020-08-11 3:43 pm
You can SAY what you like - I would have no option but to tell you that you are a liar.  Jesus Christ is God.  He was never married.  His only purpose was to come here to earth as God in flesh (John 1:14) and shed His precious blood and Die on the cross for us.  He was only in ministry for 3 and a half years and KNEW what His purpose was on earth.  He was SO busy performing miracles, praying to His Father in heaven early in the mornings, and teaching His disciples and people the gospel for the rest of the day, that He wouldn't have had time anyway for anything else.  But in any case, Jesus had absolutely no intention of dating or marrying anyone knowing that His only purpose was to preach the gospel to every creature, do miracles on earth and help people and then DIE FOR US.  As it was his mother's heart was broken.  That was unavoidable.  Do you really think he would also break another woman's heart - a woman with children who would be left widowed after only 3 years?  NEVER in a million years.  Jesus was God, He could NOT marry a human being under any circumstances because we are sinners, Jesus Christ was SINLESS,  PERFECT IN FACT.
2020-08-12 1:38 am
Indeed Jesus Christ was a tekton in Somerset Britain and on His second return to Judaea (the first return from Alexandria Egypt at age 13 He argued 3 days and nights in the Temple) at age 30 He had to marry at Cana to become a Rabbi. He was called Rabbi His last 3 years in Galilee because He was a Rabbi and no-one unmarried could be a Rabbi. He came to end all feasts of blood (Gospel of the Ebionites;Panarion by Epiphanius of Salamis) and His heir is Travis of the line of Anthony Arnite (1476). The Catholic Church removed from the Gospels the record of His children whom Mary of Bethany took to Ephesus then Marseilles and removed from the Catholic Bible that Jesus was vegan and came to end all feasts of blood, animal sacrifice and eating meat because the Catholic Church lusts for sex with boys and feasts of blood and meat and worldly power. It replaced Jesus Christ with Saul of Tarsus under another name and is the False Church of the False Apostle. They murdered the Albigens and Cathars in the Languedoc for refusing to kill a hen in 1244. The Albigens, believing in Jesus, went to their deaths innocent rather than kill a hen. When killing 1 hen would have spared them from being murdered by the Domenicans. The Protestant Reformation lacked the moral courage to stop eating meat. Billions of dollars in payouts are available today for the millions of boys whom the Catholic priests raped, but also for the millions of boys whom the Protestant Boy Scouts Leaders raped. Jesus Christ came to purify God's Temple from being the abbatoire the Jews made it with their vats of blood and well of souls and stoning to death. Stop your feasts of blood and stop worshipping the False Apostle Saul of Tarsus. Stop lusting for the blood of saints and the flesh of the innocent.
參考: Panarion by Epiphanius of Salamis; Venetian State Papers of 1476
2020-08-11 11:48 pm
There are many in the Bible who never married, just as there are today.  Your assumption has less weight than the fact that the Gospel writers never mentioned a wife or kids, and they should know.

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