Do all suicides really go to hell?

2020-08-11 1:22 am
Someone in my family committed suicide years ago but he was very religious and a good person. I just want to know if he’s in Heaven or not. Do someone with mental illness go to hell for committing suicide? 

回答 (26)

2020-08-11 1:42 am
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If you read through the Bible, it is actually silent on the question of suicide.  there is no verse anywhere that says suicide is a sin or that people who do it go to hell.  That is a concept that comes out of Catholic theology in the Middle Ages.

Often suicide is the result of a mental illness.  You would not say that a person goes to hell because they died of COVID-19.  You would not say that a person goes to hell because they died of injuries in a car accident.  So why would you think that someone goes to hell for dying from a mental illness?

Even if you argue that the person was responsible for their death because of their actions, does that mean that everyone who dies from heart disease because they are overweight goes to hell?  Or eveyone who dies of COVID because they did not wear a mask goes to hell?  Or everyone who dies in a traffic accident because they did not replace worn tire before it blow goes to hell?  No one believes that.

The Bible makes three mentions of suicide.  King Saul killed himself after being injured in a losing battle and did not want to captured and tortured by his enemies.  (No where does the Bible condone or condemn that action.  It just reports that it happened.)  The other is an advisor to King David (and a uncle to his wife Bathseba.)  When David was driven into exile for a time, this advisor sided with David's enemies but attempted to give them false advise to protect David.  (He was acting as a double agent.)  But when the advise actually ended up supporting the enemy and harming David, he killed himself to prevent them getting any more information from him.  The last was Judas who hung himself after he betrayed Jesus.

Beyond that, the Bible makes no mention of suicide.  There is no law against in the Old Testament or the New Testament.
2020-08-11 5:04 pm
God judges all in both perfect righteousness and compassion. No one here can know his judgments.

Romans 9:15 KJV — For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
2020-08-11 5:52 am
Yes, because hell means the grave of mankind.
2020-08-11 4:36 pm
2020-08-11 3:55 am
Unknown. All we can be certain of is that God takes into consideration all factors when judging a person, including mental instability, and judges us with love and fairness.
2020-08-11 1:37 am
I doubt it.
There is not the slightest evidence
that Hell is anything more
than just a very bad, human idea.


John Popelish
2020-08-11 1:00 pm
Everybody who has died will not go to hell or heaven as disembodied floating spirits with white clothing. 
2020-08-11 1:29 am
Understand, mental "illness" was not a thing in the bible.  The mentally ill were possessed by demons.  They were accursed by Satan himself.  The Roman Catholic Church still practices exorcism...really...magic in the 21st century?

My point committing suicide while possessed by demons was something done because "The devil made me do it."  And when ordinary folks succumb to the devil that are relegated to eternal damnation in hell.

Yep they go to hell.
2020-08-11 8:39 pm
Yes. This life is the white mans heaven. The next live is the Black man's heaven and the white man's hell. Jacob got next!
2020-08-11 2:23 am
No.  The only people who end up in hell are those who don't receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior before they die.  Unfortunately, that is almost everybody. 

Refer to Matthew 7:13, 14 
參考: The New Testament (recommended reading)

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