Who is in better shape, President Trump or Joe Biden?

2020-08-10 7:36 am
While Joe Biden was out briskly riding a bicycle through the streets, Trump was at his private country club, where the only exercise he seems to get is getting in and out of his golf cart. Yet Trump is calling Biden "Sleepy." When have we ever seen Trump out riding a bike? Ever in his life? Biden does things most Americans do, such as going for a bike ride, while Trump spends his time at his ritzy country clubs on the golf course, driving a golf cart. He doesn't even walk the course. So, while Biden is older than Trump, he certainly seems to be in better health and shape. So in reality, who is in better shape 'Sleepy Joe Biden' or the obese Donald Trump???

回答 (10)

2020-08-10 7:41 am
Here's an awesome video that shows who is in better shape. There's no way on earth that trump could run. trump plays a lot of golf but he doesn't even walk. That orange turd is in terrible shape. He has difficulty walking down a ramp and drinking a cup of water with one hand.
2020-08-10 7:39 am
Trump's in better mental shape, which is far more important.
2020-08-10 7:50 am
For those who say Trump is in better mental shape, let me just point out who thought it might be a good idea to inject disinfectants/bleach: Trump. "Hurricane Florence is tremendously big and tremendously wet".  "Oh, are you a nuclear power?" Trump asking Theresa May if the UK was a nuclear power. I could go on and on with quotes from Trump showing his feeble mindedness....
2020-08-10 7:49 am
Joe Biden. Hands down.
2020-08-10 7:51 am
Bidun dont know how to driink water
Mike Fan
2020-08-10 7:38 am
Neither. They’re both crusty old white guys.  
2020-08-10 12:18 pm
Kris:  Trump ASKED if something like that MIGHT work.  He didn't suggest that anyone inject or ingest anything.  You are parroting a fake news lie.
2020-08-10 7:50 am
2020-08-10 7:37 am
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Trump 
2020-08-10 7:42 am
Biden cant ride a  bike

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