When will "Absolute Immunity" be taken away from malicious prosecutors?  ?

2020-08-10 5:38 am
Judge Honorable Carlton W Reeves in Mississippi just asked the Supreme court to review "absolute immunity".    There must be just reform.   No one should be above the law.     Do you think this will happen?   Do you think the Supreme Court will review it ?  https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/17/politics/judge-carlton-reeves-donald-trump/index.html

What do you mean it never existed ?


 Malicious prosecutors have "Absolute Immunity"  and cannot be sued.   That puts them above the law.    Isn't that right?

回答 (2)

2020-08-10 8:04 am
Legally, it NEVER EXISTED. Prosecutors have QUALIFIED immunity.

Note: Your link goes to an article that DOES NOT say anything about prosecution, malicious or otherwise. It also makes ZERO mention of immunity, absolute or otherwise.
2020-08-10 6:31 am
1 - No.
2 - No.

The Supreme Court has heard very similar cases in the past.  This is NOT groundbreaking.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:56:51
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