If masks work (and I believe they do), then why are some dem governors releasing convicted murderers/rapists? Why not just give them masks?

2020-08-09 5:31 pm
There was a guy that was convicted of rape, and he was released in California just a couple days ago “because of the risk of COVID”. When he was released, he immediately went and violently murdered his accuser. 

This guy was not old, he was an in-shape athletic guys that was in his 20s. The virus was not even a big risk to him, because it’s extremely mild for people in his age group. And masks are supposed to work, right? 

There was also a guy that had murdered several people, that was just released. He was serving an 84 year life sentence. He went and committed 3 more crimes.

I try to stay neutral politically, but this really doesn’t make any sense to me and it’s kind of pissing me off. They tell us that masks work. They make us wear them. But then they release dangerous murderers and rapists out onto the streets instead of giving them masks. Why? Why do criminals get more privileges and rights than we do?

And I want to reiterate, this was not just some criminals that were in there for smoking weed or getting drunk or peeing in public or cheating on taxes, or something that is generally not that dangerous. I mean these are hardened, dangerous felons that violently abused, raped or murdered people. Why are they out roaming free?

Aren't most democrats bothered by this? 

回答 (11)

2020-08-09 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Convicted felons, along with mentally retarded individuals and the criminally insane, all vote 100% Democrat.
2020-08-09 5:32 pm
To cause more chaos so leftists can prove "Lookie, Trump baaad man"
2020-08-09 6:03 pm
Somebody brought up a point about why the USA has more crime than other areas. It actually has a normal amount of crime based on race, per capita of population.

The reason the USA has more per-capita crime than, say, Denmark or Sweden or Germany, is because the USA has a far larger amount of black people and Hispanic people here who do disproportionate amounts of crime. (Especially the black crime factor)

Homogenous white or Asian countries tend to have lower crime. The average IQ of a country largely determines its crime rate. 

For example, the USA does much less crime than Haiti, or Jamaica, or Zambia, or Kenya. We also do much less crime than Mexico. 
2020-08-18 3:31 pm
Since you are a Trump supporter, can you please stop hating labor unions and the middle and lower classes?  And can you please quit using subhuman grammer and expressing subhuman opinions (such as thinking that deregulation of Wall St/big businesses helps the economy)?
2020-08-18 11:48 am
Calling someone a "coward" when they asl a question and express vulnerability on Yahoo Answers is unkind. Keep in mind, you have no idea the stressors people are under during this pandemic and we are reaching out online to others...for help...not put downs, condemnations, or insults. 
2020-08-10 1:12 am
They work some.  They don't work perfectly.  It's sort of like wearing your seat belt in your car: the risk is reduced, but not eliminated.
2020-08-09 6:44 pm
Do you understand that the standard is "works significantly better than NOT using masks" and not "utterly and perfectly prevents any and all transmission 100% of the time"? 
2020-08-09 5:49 pm
In my state, certain inmates are considered too dangerous to be released because of the C-19 danger posed by prisons. As it relates to your example, that's anecdotal and I don't know any relevant details like how close to the end of his sentence etc. Also, I don't look at an exception as the rule. I know mistakes get made. When the same mistake is repeated too often, it becomes problematic.
2020-08-09 9:25 pm
None of the prisoners released received a death sentence. Many have died in prison because of the Covif-19 virus. Therefore it is like sentencing them to death if they are kept inside. Face masks are not 100% effective and the Covid-19 can spread in other ways. It is not possible to enforce face mask rules on 100% of the prisoners 100% of the time.
2020-08-09 5:57 pm
Because any group in large numbers in enclosed spaces have a much higher chance of infection, so just wearing masks does not work, as we know infected surfaces can stay contaminated for days.

Not sure how you could take the necessary distancing and cleaning to stop the virus spreading rapidly.  A risk which also exists for those who work in those prisons, their families and those they associate with.

Obviously those who pose a threat to the public should not be released, but maybe it also raises the question as to why the USA has the highest number of prisoners in the world.

I cannot believe that Americans are just more violent and dishonest than the people of every other nation.

Why not think about how to turn a negative into a positive and decide it is time to look at the reasons why America locks up more of it's people than any other country in the world.  

After all you cant fix a problem till you admit it exists.  Then maybe the US could become like the rest of the world and find ways to fight crime, other than putting ever more people in jail.

It is far more productive than looking for ways to attack politicians who are faced with incredible problems, they would never have dreamed would happen, trying to make the right decisions in order to save the  lives of their fellow Americans.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:57:14
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