is it fair for teachers to keep getting paid while schools remain closed? then ask yourself, would YOU be paid for NOT going to work?

2020-08-06 7:57 pm

回答 (14)

2020-08-06 9:17 pm
remote education was still going on, teachers were still working
2020-08-07 4:34 am
I'm a teacher.  This is a contract issue, not a "would you be paid" issue.  Want to become a teacher?  Get a college degree and join those of us who are making $20 an hour, slightly more than the employees at McDonald's.

I don't see the fairness in people who were collecting an additional $600 a week in unemployment benefits and, therefore, refused to turn to work.

And my advice to you - get a job with union representatives and a strong contract.

I don't understand your general hostility, your use of the "word" y'all, your inability to punctuate - and this makes no sense in your argument against college degrees - "... line up 10 'college kids,' ask them to name 10 U.S.States (all one word) ... they can't.  then ask them to name 50 Chinese 'provinces' ... they'll not only name them, but they'll point them out to you."  What are you trying to say?
 ...  "because , considering the stupidity that comes from the mouths of you college PUNKS, I would say y'all did NOT 'graduate" you were "graduated" to serve a QUOTA. you line the right pockets and you can get into ANY college you want. an actual EDUCATION hasnt been required for college admission in YEARS...just ask "aunt becky"...SHE'll tell you. you pay for also pay for grades. NOTHING in "higher education" seems to be earned anymore. line up 10 "college kids" ask them to name 10 U.S.States...they CANT. then ask them to name 50 Chinese "provinces"...they'll not only NAME them, but they'll even point them out on a map."
I don't know where y'all live, but my child is in first grade, and she can name and point out ALL of the "U.S. States" (as opposed to States in other Countries, if that's what you are trying to say).  She also knows about 50% of the State capitals.  I don't know where you are meeting U.S. residents who can't name 10 States.  Find new friends.  Expand your horizons.
2020-08-06 10:55 pm
Except teachers are still working during normal school time, even when schools are close, and they are unionized employees with a contract.
2020-08-07 5:57 pm
Yes, as they are still in a job.
參考: Reality.
2020-08-06 11:09 pm
Some of the various union contracts teachers have around the country are pretty generous in regards to such things. 
2020-08-08 4:41 pm
They're still working! Doing the same thing and even more! They still have to plan lessons, create worksheets, conduct classroom meetings, deal with parents, helping struggling children, teaching the curriculum and skills, grading... Then now they've got to deliver things to kids, depending on the class, finding the right apps to use and wondering how in the world to monitor students. They're still working, and they are working hard. Work is not a place, it's a task. Are you still completing the tasks your employer requires of you? Then yes, you are working and are entitled to pay. The location doesn't make a difference.
2020-08-07 12:44 pm
Yes.  Teachers could be paid for 9 or 10 months but most opt to spread their salary out throughout the year.

Frankly teachers aren't paid enough.  They are working long after the students are gone.  My sister spent every Sunday afternoon preparing her lessons for the week.  She often graded papers at home.  She took courses in the summer.  She spent her own money on school supplies for her students because the school's budget didn't cover everything needed.

So don't go trashing teachers.  They went to college.  In Michigan, where I live, a 4 year degree isn't enough.  You also have to go an additional 2 years to get certified.  My sister also got her masters so she could teach high school.  She spent a ton of money on her education; worked far more than 60 hours a week and, as far as I am concerned, was STILL underpaid.
2020-08-07 2:18 am
You clearly need more education. 

Plenty of people get PAID VACATION which is the same as being PAID FOR NOT WORKING. Moron. 
2020-08-06 7:58 pm
Did your teacher give you extra homework again ?
2020-08-06 9:04 pm
Are they getting paid? It's summer, as you can tell by all the kids coming on here. Also people who TELECOMMUTE are still getting paid, so if the teacher still working why wouldn't they get paid?
2020-08-08 5:50 pm
Certainly in the UK millions are / were on furlough, or being paid when their workplace was shut. Or do you also think it's unfair that shop workers, those that work on the hospitality industry and many more too, should also get paid for not going to work?
2020-08-08 8:26 am
yes I would...      
2020-08-06 8:06 pm
No. No............................
2020-08-06 8:14 pm
couldn't agree more!

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