Why does antifa and the BLM movement, burn and disgrace the American flag?

2020-08-06 1:23 am
Men have fought and died for that flag. Just look at WW2, and the fight against the Nazis. Look what the Nazis did to millions of people. So why do they disgrace the American flag?

回答 (4)

2020-08-06 4:44 am
Why does Antifa fight against fascism?
Ask the people who fought "the fight against the Nazis", see if they think it is a good thing to continue to fight fascists.
2020-08-06 3:13 am
It's what anarchist do.
2020-08-06 7:55 am
They also disgrace and disrespect the founders and all they stood for.
2020-08-06 2:41 am
The do it specifically to show disrespect for America and do not understand that burning the flag is also the only way to legal dispose of a damaged one.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:55:40
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