Did catholic church approved all the 7 Archangel? Or only 3 ?

2020-08-04 7:49 pm

回答 (10)

2020-08-04 8:00 pm
How is it that a "church" approves archangels? 
Aren't they already a part of God's legion? 
Why do they need to be approved by a church?
2020-08-04 8:24 pm
"The Bible and the Church recognizes seven archangels, although just three are known by name, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael." https://www.catholic.org/saints/angels/archangels.php  "As of Council of Rome in 745 under the reign of Pope Saint Zachary, the Catholic Church officially only acknowledges the names of three of the seven Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Although the Church acknowledges that there are seven Archangels according to Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, because these three Archangels are the only angels named in Scripture, they are currently the only three who are officially recognized by name in Catholic doctrine."  http://www.catholic365.com/article/2094/the-catholic-teachings-on-the-angels-part-4-the-seven-archangels.html
2020-08-04 8:31 pm
The prefix “arch,” meaning “chief” or “principal,” implies that there is only ONE archangel, the chief angel; in the Scriptures, “archangel” is never found in the plural. First Thessalonians 4:16, in speaking of the preeminence of the archangel and the authority of his office, does so in reference to the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ: “The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first.” It is, therefore, not without significance that the only name directly associated with the word “archangel” is Michael.—Jude 9
2020-08-05 4:04 pm
Archangel: meaning “chief of the angels.” The prefix “arch” means “chief” or “principal.” This definition, coupled with the fact that “archangel” in the Bible is used only in the singular, indicates that there is just one archangel. The Bible gives the name of the archangel, identifying him as Michael.​—Da 12:1; Jude 9; Re 12:7.
2020-08-05 3:53 am
Three are mentioned in the Bible.
2020-08-04 7:55 pm
As far as I know
there is no official Roman Catholic doctrine
regarding the number of archangels.

you won't find in Catholic liturgies
any names for angels other than the Biblical (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)
2020-08-04 8:59 pm
Who cares?

'Angels' (including 'archangels') are imaginary.
2020-08-04 7:57 pm
Only Michael, and Raphael, and Gabriel
2020-08-04 8:06 pm
No one "did approveD."  Ever.
2020-08-04 8:51 pm
The Bible mentions one Archangel - Michael.
The prefix "arch" means 'chief' or 'principal'  ie one only.
The Bible makes mention of the angel Gabriel.
The Bible does not however make any mention of a angel named Raphael.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches its own man made doctrines and not what the Bible teaches.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:02:56
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