What specifically is "worship" to you?

2020-08-04 5:24 pm
How do you personally perform worship?  What does it mean to you?

@ She Dances with Love...Indeed, lots of good answers here!


@ Malcolm...The question is not "what is worship", the question is "what is it to YOU?"  This is the "study", among us. 


@ River Euphrates...Short and precise...thanks.


@ Lillie...Good answer, thanks.


@ Adullah M...Thanks, neighbor.

回答 (9)

2020-08-05 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oh wow, a person could write a thesis on this... brother!!  It all has to do with true contrition; when we are in a humble state of mind, heart, our very souls will begin from an inner state of mourning as well as praise as we contemplate for ourselves all the things God reveals to us; for we begin to see all the Holy Spirit reveals to us... Contemplation of the human condition will typically bring praise or mourning. Praise, when we see God moving and transforming people. Mourning, as we see how far we fall short. Contemplation of God and the human condition is needed for us to truly worship.

In John 4:23, Jesus said this: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

God desires us to be true with Him... and it all starts there... as Truth frees us to receive from God; and is pleasing to God.  When we start being honest with God, about who we are, where we are emotionally, spiritually, physically... real worship to me signifies that we are beginning to live as Jesus would want us to live... with humble reverence to all the things God desires of us... Changing as we come to new realizations about God; prayerful, humble, and even with praise for God as we begin to thankfully have gratitude abounding in our hearts for Him...

How do I personally perform worship... by allowing Christ entrance into my heart... through receiving His messages... and applying them.  Letting His Life abound in me... abiding with Him...He wants us to become aware of all He can do, and as we become aware, our being is changed... and this reflects that we have considered Him... welcomed Him, love Him, in the process of being made new!  Praise our Lord Jesus Christ as His Glory gets reflected in us as we move into agreement with Him...Worshiping God to me concerns so many areas, it would be hard to say...what is the most significant order this comes in... but since you've asked, my first answer would be 'coming into a state of contrition, being totally unveiled before God!'

some great responses here.

  "All we have is ourselves to give, give completely to God...(to me this is worshiping God!)  Correspondence begins our new lives and all God wants us to know is He is willing... Jesus Christ opened the gateway... all we need to do is respond to God lovingly, and the dance will begin! 
2020-08-06 1:11 am
It means giving to God the honor and glory that rightfully belongs to Him, which we owe to Him as His creatures.
2020-08-05 4:09 pm
Worship may be defined as “the act of showing respect and love for a god.” In the Bible, the original-language words rendered “worship” may convey the idea of someone showing deep respect, or submission, to creatures. (Matt. 28:9) Those words may also describe a religious act to God or a deity. (John 4:23, 24) The context determines how the words are to be understood.
2020-08-04 9:03 pm
We worship GOD, the Lord of all the worlds, Who give us lives and bestows on us with daily provision. So we worship GOD as according to HIS instruction to us for performing in worshiping and praising HIS greatness every day till our last breath.
2020-08-04 9:00 pm
Studying and mediating on the Bible.
Attending and taking part in Christian meetings.
Singing songs of worship.
Speaking to people about God's Kingdom and what blessings it has to offer.
Always trying to live my life in a manner that would be pleasing to Jehovah God.
Acting and dressing in a dignified manner.
All these things on a daily basis are examples of my worship to my God, Jehovah.
Rev. 4:11 - “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
參考: New World Translation Bible
2020-08-04 6:36 pm
i like singing hymns and when i did have music in my car i would raise my voice and sing along with contemporary christians artists. i think there is a time when the spirit comes near and if a person can reach out with love, the spirit of God redoubles his love back again. the prayer of faith is also praise, and seeking the spirit is looking for communion with the holy spirit.
2020-08-04 5:34 pm
Worship implies different methods prevellant in different religions to the God they believe to seek happiness and help of God in this world and in here after
2020-08-04 7:43 pm
1 Cor. 14 is a beginning of that study.
2020-08-04 10:29 pm
I don't 'worship' anything or anyone.

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