Who was the person who thought the most appropriate name for this hurricane would be Isaias?

2020-08-04 6:04 am
It’s pretty bad when even well versed newscasters can’t pronounce it better than anyone else. KISS, understand? The name is overriding the critical information.

回答 (3)

2020-08-04 6:06 am
The meteorologists tossed a bunch of names in a hat, went out to the bar, got drunk and picked one. 
2020-08-04 6:33 am
ee-sah-EE-ahs, Spanish for Isaiah.  What's so hard about that?
2020-08-04 1:55 pm
The thing is you have to follow the rules.  It is the 9th storm of the season so has to start with the letter I.  They use 5 over the 5 years and retire names for any historically notorious hurricanes that causes a lot of damage or a lot of death.  So you can't call it Hurricane Irene - that was retired in 2011.

So come up with say 10 names that start with I, then come up with a 16th one that is better than Isaisas.

They actually used the name Isaisas last in 2014.   But likely wasn't a very memorable storm

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:54:21
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