I don't see my Psychiatrist until August 11th. How can I stop satan from controlling my body until that next appointment ?

2020-08-02 7:48 am
satan has been controlling my body. I been worried about getting covid-19, and passing away from it. 

When will they get a vaccination for covid-19?

I just been having chest pains ever since I been to the Dentist. I had a filling for a cavity, and he went deep into my mouth, and I feel like I caught it from him.

I'm a 34 year old, male. And satan says that my imaginary friend Marlon will be the first sacrifice to him, and then I will be the second sacrifice on October 30 or October 31, 2021. satan restricts me since he's been in my life on July 23, 2010. I just want him gone.

I deal with a lot of loneliness. I never had my first kiss. And satan keeps girls from talking to me until I finish my punishment. 

Also I suffer from Schizoaffective Disorder, bipolar type. I just worry about passing away at an early age. Oops, I'm 35 years old, not 34. My mistake. 

回答 (5)

2020-08-02 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ask Jesus Christ to save you.  Read the New Testament for more information.  I suggest starting with the Gospel of John.  
2020-08-02 10:19 am
You've been posting this same crap for YEARS now. Nobody can help you, obviously. Stop trying to spread your psychosis on YA.
2020-08-02 7:49 am
Take you antipsychotics, stay home and avoid other living creatures.  
2020-08-03 1:05 am
Goodness sakes.  I didn't realize one of the side effects of a tooth filling is "catching Satan."
2020-08-02 10:44 pm
Do what the priest does at the end of The Exorcist.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:54:47
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