Why do christians ignore all scientific facts?

2020-07-31 1:18 am

回答 (14)

2020-07-31 10:19 am
Really? Kind of odd then that many of the greatest scientists have been Christians.
born again Christian biologist
2020-07-31 1:43 am
Another moron that comes here to show off his stupidity.

Christians are about the most educated group of people in the world and they certainly don't ignore scientific facts.....such as the Laws of Physics or Thermodynamics.  Please tell us what proven laws of science do Christians ignore.

What they do have a problem with is people like you trying to pass-off unproven theories, like evolution as proven laws as fact. 

What we have seen in the past is many evolutionist make up (falseify) evidence that has been proven to be manufactered by those same people.

Earnst Haeckels evolution embryo fraud.
Piltdown man, deliberate evolution fraud.
Nebraska Man. False evolutionary model made from a pigs tooth.
Java Man is False
Neanderthal man, deliberate fraud by evolutionist scientists.
Lucy the hominid.
Orce Man.  mistook a 4 month old DONKEY skeleton for a 'missing link' for mankind.
Archaeoraptor faked evolution example of a missing link. 
2020-07-31 1:36 am
I don't ignore any scientific FACTS. Testable, Observable. Verifiable Empirical facts are fine

its all the BS science I ignore
2020-07-31 1:26 am
There are three problems with your question:

-The "C" in "Christians" needs to be capitalized.

-You shouldn't use all-inclusive words like "all" (it's inflammatory).

-Since you don't literally mean "all," you need to tell us the "facts" to which you are referring.


Ironically, every major branch of science was established upon the work of creationists. As it’s been pointed out, today’s evolutionists are merely standing on a mountain of work built by creationists. The early scientists—whose ranks include the likes of Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Robert Boyle, John Ray, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Linnaeus, Michael Faraday, Matthew Maury, Louis Pasteur, Lord Kelvin, and James Maxwell—believed in a Creator who laid down the laws of nature for us to study (men who founded the modern disciplines of scientific study). For many of them, belief in God was the prime motivation for their investigation of the natural world.

And today, there are plenty of creationists who are good scientists. Like the man who helped invent the MRI (Dr. Raymond Damadian) and the man who invented the Gene Gun (Dr. John Sanford) and the man who helped design Australia’s national satellite system (Dr. Mark Harwood).
2020-07-31 1:19 am
we don't. all scientific facts are in the bible.
2020-07-31 1:21 am
They are mostly theories, not facts.
2020-07-31 1:23 am
Some people simply do not want to accept the fact that life ends.  So they believe a fairy tale passed down from the Bronze Age about imaginary friends who, if they are good, can grant them everlasting life in The Happy Place.
2020-07-31 2:25 pm
I've got several scientific books in this room, all written by scientists who are Christians. I could provide a list of their scientific qualifications with their names, but you want to ignore those facts about those Christians scientists. Why? Stevan, you can fool some of the people some of the time (especially on here) but you need to try harder because nobody on here believes your ludicrous claim.
2020-07-31 2:22 am
When science is your religion it should be ignored.
2020-07-31 1:23 am
because they are scientific lies. 
2020-07-31 1:19 am
We don't. The first universities were founded by Catholics, who are Christians. There are no scientific facts in the Bible. This is when I wish we could comment still.
2020-07-31 6:33 am
The fact of the matter: Not all science is a scientific fact. like global warming, the earth being billions of years old, saying that we evolved from monkeys they are all absurd, global warming is a hoax, God controls the weather, nobody else, the earth is exactly from creation 13,032 years old the date was 11013 BC. when you go from BC. to AD you have to minus 1 because there was no 0 in the Jewish calendar, also are sun is one of the smallest suns in the galaxy, are sun would have died out a long time ago, nothing has ever evolved from nothing, everything has a creator and that creator is God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Saivor, anyone with half a brain can figure that out, well maybe not there are a lot of morons, and stupid people here, it all goes by the patriarchs of God holy word the bible
參考: King James holy bible
2020-07-31 2:50 am
Yeah. Right.

- Bach Sci Physics 1989
2020-07-31 1:41 am
Childish stories seem to be the only things Christians can understand.  Science is way beyond their comprehension.

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