is this the real face of Jesus, even with a beard and pony tail?

2020-07-30 3:13 pm

回答 (8)

2020-07-30 3:23 pm
It does kind of look Mexican .
 Like Middle Mexico or south of Mexico city .
2020-07-30 5:08 pm
Of course not. As we all know that is the Turin Shroud which is a proven fake. 
2020-07-30 3:16 pm
That is not the real face of Jesus. 

Jesus was wrapped in linens. 
He was not covered with a shroud. 

The shroud depicts an image 
of the person who was covered with it. 
2020-07-30 5:56 pm
Since Jesus never existed you can pretend he looked anyway you want.
2020-07-30 10:50 pm
The 'Shroud of Turin' has been repeatedly debunked.

The Catholic Church (which has the 'shroud') considers it an 'icon' and not a 'holy relic'. 

Similar to the 'shards of the one true cross' that many churches have (that if combined would make a cross 100' high), the 'crown of thorns', or the hundreds and hundreds of toes, toenails, etc. belonging to various 'saints'.

Just like the handful of tombs all claiming to be the one that 'Jesus' was put into, it's all about tourism, and bringing in that almighty dollar.

If you believe in 'Jesus', and can do so without hurting anyone or forcing it down anyone else's throat, then more power to you - but you do so based on 'faith', and not because of any physical evidence - because there is none.
2020-07-30 9:18 pm
Absolutely not.  The real Jesus would have had short hair (the Bible makes that clear), and may well have been clean shaved, as men of his time were, although more had beards then than now.  The Shroud of Turin is a fact from almost 1000 years ago.
2020-07-30 4:09 pm
No, absolutely not.  That could not possibly be Jesus' face because those head/face napkin cloths were around Jesus' face for  LESS THAN 3 days.  How could Jesus' face then be imprinted on a cloth forever - when there had been no time for Jesus' face to make any imprint whatsoever in a cloth? I thought there could have been some blood on the cloth here and there but that is not even possible, because Jesus would have stopped bleeding after He died and when Joseph of Arimathea got Jesus' body down from the Cross and took it to his NEW tomb, he also put a CLEAN linen cloth around Jesus. (Matthew 27: 59) - so no WAY.  They must be fakes because Jesus rose from the dead WITHIN the 3 day period and so much so is the evidence, that Jesus HIMSELF REMOVED His own face/head linen cloth and laid it down FOLDED in a place by itself A SHORT DISTANCE AWAY FROM the linen cloths which had been around His body - which had also been removed.  (John 20:7). With Joseph putting a CLEAN linen cloth on Jesus there is no way that the outline of Jesus' face could possibly be real - no, no way.  Sorry that is ridiculous in the extreme

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