Landlord responsibility with fleas?

2020-07-30 4:00 am
So I’m both roommate/landlord and our tennant recently brought to our attention she was being bitten by fleas. I was not aware we had a flea problem. Her current month rent was 800 (july 20-aug 20). So notified me of the flea issue on Saturday July 25 (about 1.5 month into her stay). I called an exterminator that monday and they came on July 29th (wed) to spray our property (3 working days later). During this time, she stayed at an airbnb/hotel for 2 days. I already offered to return her ENTIRE rent of 800$(including July 20-25 - she stayed at our place, and this was before telling us there was a flea issue), immediately cancel her lease without punishment, return her deposite 200$, and offered an extra 100$ to cover her stay elsewhere for 2 nights)

I feel like I have gone above and beyond what is expected. I have resolved the issue within reasonable time (7days), covered her stay at an airbnb, AND refunded her entire rent and deposit (1100$). Do you feel like there were more I either should have done (legally) or morally? She is asking for more money (including laundry service)

I own a cat, we did have flea issues in Feb 2020, but has been resolved for 4 months. I combed her and brought her to a vet on the 27th, never found a flea. We have a lot of stray cats around the neighborhood. MOST likely, it got on our clothing when we walked into the house. her room (downstairs by entrance) is the one with the most fleas. I haven’t seen any in my upstairs room even though my cat sleeps with me nightly. She’s lived with us since june, just brought it up July 25th 


and she is the one that cancelled lease on july 28th (suddenly) - I did not ask her to leave. I simply felt bad for her because I did see the bites on her legs looked pretty bad. 

回答 (11)

2020-07-30 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have gone above and beyond what most landlords would do. Your obligation is finished. 

Fleas can be a problem--but you've done more than enough to satisfy your tenant. Hope you can find another one who is not quite so greedy. 
2020-07-30 4:13 am
You have done far more than you needed to do as a landlord.  If I were you, I would deny her request for any more money.
2020-07-30 4:01 am
Your tenant is crazy. 
2020-07-30 4:17 am
You should have done significantly less.
2020-07-30 4:03 am
I think you did more than enough.
2020-07-30 4:26 am
The big question here is...

"Which one of you owns pets?"

If neither of you own pets...and she is the one 'being bitten by fleas'.

....then she got the fleas on her from someone else's place and it is not only NOT your fault...but she has scammed you.

...AND if she owns the pet...then she is the one who needs to pay for all of that....not you. is time for her to not ever live with you again.
2020-07-30 7:58 am
Talk about over kill!!!   You did WAY too much, big mistake.  This post must be a joke, is it?
2020-07-30 4:23 am
You went above what would be expected or obligated.  Tell her NO. 
2020-07-30 8:09 am
You have to refund rent for the days that she is not in the place.  That is your ONLY obligation.  
2020-07-30 6:16 am
You have already done WAAAYYYYY more than you had to or ever should have done.  She is not entitled to any more money. She has already gotten far more then she was legally entitled to.  You did not have to release her from hte lease or pay her jacksheit.  The only thing you were legally required to do is treat the infestation in a timely manner which you did.  
2020-07-30 4:25 am
Legally if you ask the tenant to move out or it is unsafe for the tenant to remain there, then you either pay for the tenants accomodation OR you refund the days of rent...If you both agree it is best for you both  for the tenant to leave then  terminating the tenants contract without penalty and returning their deposit is legal.........

'Fleas'? Where did fleas come from your animals or the tenants?

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