What are some really good single issue Batman comics to read that are out this month?

2020-07-29 10:50 am

回答 (2)

2020-07-29 8:38 pm
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On August 25, DC will release a 3 issue (48 pages each) miniseries called Batman: Three Jokers.

It is about Batman and his team investigating the theory that there are actually 3 different Jokers in existence. The art teases The Joker from different eras: Golden Age 1940s, Silver Age 1970s, and Killing Joke 1980s. 

2020-07-29 12:37 pm
All of the main universe Batman books are currently embroiled in a crossover that doesn’t look good to me: The Joker War. If you’re a fan of the 90s Batman cartoon they recently launched two new series. One is called DC Classics Batman Adventures and it’s reprinting the old comics based on the cartoon, and there’s also Batman The Adventure Continues which is a new continuation of the series. Also there’s an almost four year long Batman beyond series currently being made if you’re interested in that. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:04:55
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