Agree Or Disagree?

2020-07-28 10:03 pm
With the Coronavirus still going on, schools should re-open and allow kids back in?

回答 (16)

2020-07-28 10:05 pm
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We have the technology to have school online. 
So why put our kids and families at risk?
2020-07-28 10:37 pm
I disagree with that. They should still do the online schooling for now.
2020-07-28 11:36 pm
Disagree.  Schools should not open until there is a vaccine
2020-07-29 1:46 pm
Opening schools when things are getting worse doesn't seem like such a good idea especially for kids in America. Children especially little ones are expected to keep on masks for hours when it's difficult for them to sit still in a chair for 5 minutes. They're going to cram hundreds of students in one building which makes it easier to spread. It isn't worth the risk and staying home and doing online school until places contain the virus better.
2020-07-29 11:33 am
I totally disagree they should open now , kids can spread the virus and I think for  now until things get better and numbers go down and there is a really good plan for opening schools then  can we only open,  but remembering that the virus is still around and that we need to take caution for our schools during this time. 
2020-07-29 10:22 am
2020-07-28 11:53 pm
2020-07-30 12:07 am
Children still get this. And can bring it home to others like Geeman measles. Mild for then, not for others.
2020-07-28 10:26 pm
disagree but I might agree in some parts of the country
2020-07-28 10:11 pm
I think the worst decision taken by governments is to reopen schools for the mainstream public.
That said, if there are kids who wish to go back then they should be allowed to do so.
2020-07-28 10:40 pm
2020-08-01 1:09 pm
Agree. It could prove the virus is real and serious to all the naysayers. 
2020-07-30 1:32 pm
As much as I would love schools to be open (especially my school), not yet. It's too dangerous to reopen schools completely.
2020-07-30 11:39 am
Disagree, my area is becoming a hot spot .. And not the kind you find on a cellphone
2020-07-30 9:10 am
cdc says "little kids dont get the virus or spread it around like adults do"; so yeah send the lil monsters back to school.
2020-07-30 8:10 am
Disagree in most places. Only a few countries have low enough infection rates to consider that and the US is the furthest behind.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:56:33
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