Are the people that support Biden as clueless as he is?

2020-07-28 6:56 am

回答 (14)

2020-07-28 6:58 am
Yes,  We are all clueless as Biden, which is NOT AT ALL.  Trump supporters, on the other hand are as clueless as Trump and that's quite a bit.
2020-07-28 7:12 am
They're all deplorable lying, dog-faced, pony soldiers.
參考: Keep America Great
2020-07-28 6:59 am
No, on the contrary, we're the Americans that didn't receive a conservative religious and political indoctrination in our youth.
2020-07-28 6:59 am
As a group, our "liberal" friends tend to be remarkably uninformed. Many also indulge themselves by behaving like self-righteous prix. There are exceptions, of course. Some.
It's the morally superior schtick oozing off that crowd that's most hilarious, though. I mean, you've GOT to have a sub-Al Gore IQ to even begin to fall for that act. Sad.
2020-07-28 6:58 am
well, maybe NOT THAT much ............ but 'close' ................
TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-07-28 7:00 am
delete Biden and insert Trump.
2020-07-28 7:54 am
They are uninformed kids with no future in mind. biden is no good for america, get off the meds and get a job, trump is trying to help you but some are just morons and can't see that..
2020-07-28 6:58 am
Yes  , He is  very  stupid 
2020-07-28 7:41 am
No, they just dislike Mr. Trump so much they will vote for a bumbling idiot like Biden.
2020-07-28 6:58 am
Gay Liberal.  Make $113K a year as Administrator for Los Angeles Unified School District, three degrees from UCLA.  You?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:41
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