Should I cut these two people out of my life? If so, how to do so gently?

2020-07-27 1:00 pm
I’d lived in the city I go to university at for two before this pandemic hit, and I’m moving back there this Fall. I haven’t made a lot of friends there. I’ve made a lot of almost friends- people I message regularly and hang out with at one place but never quite got to the point of hanging out with one-on-one more than once or twice. The two friends I do have... I know beggars can’t be choosers, but I’m a little unhappy with them. One of them I enjoy the company of, but she’s asked me for a lot of money, and I honestly feel used. I’m not sure if she actually needs the money, and she begs like she’d go hungry without it. My other friend is my ex. I don’t enjoy spending time with him- he’s extremely insensitive and really made me feel bad about myself while we were dating, plus he’s extremely bad at conversation due to taking little interest in others and having poor social skills.

My question is... if I do manage to make better friends, am I justified in cutting these two off? What is the gentlest possible way to do so?

If I do break from them, do I break from them now, or wait until I have better friends?

回答 (2)

2020-07-28 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your situation isn't unique at all. May I suggest that you don't initiate any contact  yourself but rather let them be the ones to do so. In doing so, this will put a damper of their attempts to contact you and when they do, simply make excuses as to why you are unable to see either of them. One good excuse is to tell them that you are in the process of "occupying"yourself with someone new in your life and if asked for money, better you say that the loans in the past were never repaid and that you now have certain financial commitments and are unable to further assist You need to be firm with both of these people as once you do, they will learn to respect you and your space . I wish you well with this.
參考: Passed experience
2020-07-27 1:28 pm
Dump the ex. He or she isn't helping you, so dump them and make it clear you don't want to stay in any contact. As for the other friend, don't lend or give any money. I won't say if you should dump them, but do so if you want; sounds like a pain and not worth it. No, don't wait for better friends to come along. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:53:55
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