How to prove god is real?

2020-07-27 6:16 am
How do you prove god is real...i mean the bible could of been written by anybody..hes never shown his face to does he count on us to believe in him if we cant prove hes real..i mean why do so many kids suffer..i mean the adam and eve story i dont belive because i belive in science but i also belive in something of greater power..also do u have to be baptised to get into heaven

回答 (15)

2020-07-27 11:03 pm
You can't prove any gods are real. If someone could prove god was real, religion would no longer need faith, because they would have fact.
2020-07-27 6:16 pm
Hold your breath for about 6 min. And after about another minute you will know for certain. 
2020-07-27 10:51 am
You can't.  Only god himself can prove his existence.
2020-07-27 7:02 am
No one has ever proved that *any* god has existed because they are made up ideas.
2020-07-28 2:09 am
You can't prove to someone else that God is real. You can prove it to yourself by asking Him to reveal Himself to you, as He has done for hundreds of millions of other people alive today.
2020-07-27 7:28 am
There is no reason to "prove that God is real". He is real. Proving that God is real is not how this works. No one would believe it even if it were possible. As a Christian, it is totally NOT my job to prove that God is real but to live a life that reflects Jesus and that God is real in my life. And that also means telling others about the gospel. It is God's responsibility to draw others to Him, through the work of His Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day" (John 6:44). He uses the hearing of the word to bring about faith: "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ" (Romans 10:17).
2020-07-27 6:22 am
St. Thomas proved it with deductive reasoning 535 years ago. It's irrefutable. 
2020-07-28 12:02 am
The way to prove to yourself that God indeed exists, is by examining his word of truth, the Holy Scriptures.  Is it unreasonable to believe that God Almighty could preserve his word for everyone to be able to learn the truth about him?  Jesus said that God's word IS the truth - John 17:17 - Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth.  - - - -  And that phrase, "Sanctify them" indicates that one can gain an approved standing before God by means of his word.  Note that the Scriptures say that God wants everyone to have an accurate knowledge of truth - 1 Timothy 2:4 – whose (God’s) will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.  - - - -  However, God's word does tell us that there are those that "twist" the Scriptures - 2 Peter 3:16. . . and these things the ignorant and unstable are twisting, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.  - - - -  But God tells us in his word of truth how to protect ourselves from being misled by those that twist the Scriptures - Acts 17:11 . . . carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.  - - - -  If we examine the Scriptures carefully, we can make sure we take in accurate knowledge.  The reason we can count on this is that the truth cannot be contradictory.  For example, either God is a trinity, or He is not.  Both cannot be true.  And either Jesus is God, or he is not.  Both cannot be true.  So when we examine the Scriptures carefully, we can make sure we are getting the truth.  And God wants us to use our power of reason to prove things to ourselves - Romans 12:1 & 2 - 1 Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. 2 And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  - - - -  So when we read God's word of truth and meditate on it, we can reason whether it is the truth or not.  We can prove things to ourselves.  Whether or not we are actually getting accurate knowledge.  There is no greater treasure to be found. Bible truth liberates us from superstition, confusion, and morbid fear. It gives us hope, purpose, and joy. Jesus said: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”​—John 8:32.  - - - -  Jesus' words assure us that we can KNOW the truth.  And that truth sets us free from all sorts of false religious teachings.  And free from those that twist the Scriptures.  You've probably heard the saying, "That has the ring of truth to it."  Likewise when it comes to God's word.  When we examine it carefully, we can determine if it has a ring of truth to it.  And we can also approach the Hearer of prayer and ask for His help to obtain an accurate understanding of His word - Psalm 65:2 - O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come.  - - - -  Since he wants us to have accurate knowledge, it is only reasonable to believe he will answer such prayers.  With all these things in mind, I encourage everyone to visit the following web site where free Bible lessons are offered online.  But ALWAYS examine the Scriptures carefully, to make sure you are getting accurate knowledge.  The site is:
2020-07-27 10:02 am
Ignorance is so proud and confident in its emptiness, is it not?

Proper examination of the Bible proves it impossible to be from man.

And your own sin is proof enough of God, were you able to reason.
2020-07-27 4:34 pm

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