665,000 worldwide have died from the virus 7 million died from smoking in 2019 and we shut down the world why.?

2020-07-27 4:25 am
Source CDC.

回答 (11)

2020-07-27 4:28 am
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Liberals are dumb.

As we all know, those 80 and older, or 65 and older with serious conditions should have been isolated to a reasonable extent, anything beyond that is just a waste of time and money. 
2020-07-27 4:44 am
7 million could possibly die -  in a full year, without the prevention measures. Covid is highly contagious.
2020-07-27 4:28 am
The Liberal way of ruining America so that all businesses fail and everyone is unemployed.
Socialism worked for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, didn't it?
2020-07-27 4:29 am
Thanks for the update Dr. Douchenozzle
2020-07-27 4:28 am
You can’t smoke in class anymore get over it
2020-07-27 5:03 am
Smoking isn't contagious. 

In the US at least we eliminated the threat of second hand smoke by banning indoor smoking in most establishments.  So smoking mostly impacts the health of those who do it.  To combat that we've engaged in smoking cessation campaigns, banned sales to minors, and enacted sin taxes to try and make smoking more prohibitively expensive. 

Corona is contagious, highly so.  And since we have no vaccine, the only way to fight it is through social distancing and masking measures. 
2020-11-19 10:14 am
Smoking versus virus, you must be a Trump supporter. You certainly have the IQ to be one!
2020-07-27 12:20 pm
You make a very strong case for why we should shut down the tobacco injury.
2020-07-27 4:41 am
Pure stupidity.

Covid19 only kills morbidly obese smokers and it is physically impossible to die from it if you are young and healthy. Basically, the working class got demolished in order to save the lives of 85-year-old smokers.
2020-07-27 4:30 am
I'm sure you'll get the argument that smoking is a choice, so I thought I would also point out that 1.2 million died worldwide from second-hand smoke last year. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:03:28
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