Are Samsung laptops good?

2020-07-27 2:27 am
What do you think about the Samsung galaxy Chromebook with 8gb ram and 256 gb storage? This is for college 

回答 (9)

2020-07-27 9:01 am
yes it is a very good brand
2020-07-27 3:12 am
If this were me, I wouldn't consider a Chromebook. Sure, they're inexpensive,sleek and work well enough. But the issue, at least for me, is that they're very limited. They are mainly meant to be used on the internet. If you only ever plan on using web-based apps or whatever is in the Chrome Store, then you'll probably be ok.

I would consider looking at a decent Windows-based laptop, not a Chromebook.
2020-07-30 9:47 pm
Yes, Samsung does. And they do it well The pen make Samsung Notebook 9 much better than other laptop models. It frees your productivity and effectiveness.
2020-07-30 12:07 pm
i would get little more storage 
2020-07-28 4:42 pm
Lenovo laptops are best as they require least maintenance
2020-07-28 2:39 pm
Yes, its good to use.
2020-07-27 11:53 pm
The greatest laptop in Samsung's collection is the $1,099 Notebook 9 Pro. It has first-class looks, decent presentation and long battery life, and it's inexpensive than its competitors.
2020-07-27 8:21 am
Chromebooks are great, if all you want to do is load websites.
if you want to install programs, save files to the computer, or print something without a special printer, you need a Windows laptop. a Chromebook is cheap because it can't do any of that.
2020-07-27 8:08 am
Depends on the laptop and use requirements.  Chromebooks have a simple operating system called chrome os, they are fine for simple use like web browsing, email, word processing spreadsheets etc but if you want more advanced usage you may want a windows laptop that would maybe cost about the same or a little more.

What is your course and what are the requirements you need to be able to use the pc for?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:57:42
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