
2020-07-25 8:41 pm

沒想到你會在台灣住這麼久。 希望在台灣的這幾個月能成為你最難忘、最美好的回憶。

I didn't expect you to live in Taiwan for so long. I hope these few months in Taiwan will be your most unforgettable and fond memories.

回答 (8)

2020-07-26 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I didn't expect you to live in Taiwan for so long.
 I hope these months in Taiwan will be your most memorable and beautiful memories.
第二段用will be期待未來能發生的事情
參考: 經驗
2020-07-27 12:22 pm

I am so glad that you extended your stay in Taiwan. I hope you enjoy the time of being here. 
"I didn't expect you to live in Taiwan for so long. "....這樣寫,好像要趕人走一樣.
2020-07-26 12:42 am
I didn't expect you would "have" stayed in Taiwan for so long. 
I believe you must have lots of fond memories of these few months in Taiwan, 
and hope it will be the most unforgettable experience of your life. 
2020-07-27 10:45 am
文法用那個時態要看你說話的角度和情況,就說你第一句用past tense表達你"過去了"的想法「沒預期」在英語人聽來沒問題,因為所說的"東西"是你對他居留時間的長短,當中沒有"時間性"的,只有你能說明這"預期"是"當初的想法"這意思。

若然我寫可能是I don't expect your live in Taiwan for long.也不會錯的。因此這是我"現在"對他居在台灣的長短的感覺,而不是"當初的預期"。


第二句同樣文法上你用上I hope...表達現在你在的"思想"是"希望"OK,接下是用will be表達你把對他希望有的"回憶"作出"未來"的預計亦是OK.

只是句子表達或說話除了文法外,用詞本身亦是表達意思的一個重要"工具"。unforgettable memories尚可以,但fond memories這個用詞要表達的意思必定是一些已過去很久或者很有記念價值的回憶。在英語人的習慣中住在台灣(另一個國家或經歷)未必會用這種詞彙,除非你知道他在台灣有一段異國戀情而又要不捨的話,或者才會用這詞作"暗示",否則若然我(是他)看時會感覺你暗示我在台灣有甚麼"出軌"或"奇遇"連我(他)自己都不知的"誤會",那就不好了。{當然查字典fond memories是"快樂記憶",用來給自己的旅遊經歷作文沒問題,但寫給英語人作祝願就不太合適}

就你的寫法,我只會建議把and fond省去, will be your most unforgettable memories.便很"正常"表達了你的祈願他有這段難忘回憶便很好了。
2020-07-25 11:25 pm
With Professional working skill; from菜英文 English Tsai:-
沒想到你會在台灣住這麼久。 希望在台灣的這幾個月能成為你最難忘、最美好的回憶。
I don't think you will stay停留 in Taiwan for so long.
I hope this few months in Taiwan have been your most memorable, most unforgettable stay with praiseworthy memories----------."not fond of ice cream memories but can you stay or must you go?"
2020-07-26 8:26 am
l wonder how you can stay in Taiwan so long.  Hope you enjoy the sweet and unforgettable memory while having stayed in Taiwan for those couple of months.
2020-07-26 11:49 am
I didn't expect your long stay in Taiwan and do hope that'll change all your impressions.
2020-07-26 12:59 pm
rusmann jaimes 滾出台灣

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