Is BLM “ONLY” about racial equality or MARXISM?

2020-07-25 4:02 pm
NY TIMES article writes the whitest city in the country ( Portland,Or. ) is now ground zero for BLM! Most of the participants in the BLM “ONLY” are white! Is BLM about Racism? Or is it ground zero for MARXISM? 

回答 (19)

2020-07-25 4:08 pm
BLM's own web page states they are Marxists. They intend to destroy the nuclear family, take away the right to own personal property and bring down the existing government. They could actually care less about black lives. One of the top people running BLM is a female former terrorist.
2020-07-25 11:05 pm
BLM is about RACISM BY BLACK.  They do not care about black lives.  If they did, they would not have been silent for several years and would have been protesting in the inner cities against the insane number of blacks killing their fellow blacks.
2020-07-25 4:28 pm
BLM is about destroying America and Western culture. Read their stupid manifesto. BLM hides behind police brutality. 
2020-07-25 4:20 pm
It can't be about racial equality because races aren't equal. Stalinism is their political agenda. 
2020-07-25 6:54 pm
Marxism. They want to do here what Karl Marx did in Russia and all the other communist countries.
2020-07-25 10:39 pm
It certainly is Marxism in the least, Much of the worlds philosophy comes from the communist manifesto by Marx himself who studies and worked in New York at one time in his life, Communism in the simplest terms is the abolition of personal property, if you pay recurring taxes on anything, you own nothing, your home, your car, your income...the guts of this philosophy is to keep people divided because unity dissolves communism, so Marxism simply brings unity to a false cause or false premise that serves the higher order of division that is the root of the problem, you can bet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. knew that intimately, we need to look at each other through a different set of lenses, All Lives truly matter, and if that were not the case, God would not be just and perfect.
2020-07-26 1:22 am
BLM is all about organizing looting stealing and arson which is what the simians do best. The best solution is to send them back across the Atlantic Ocean where they belong before the 'protesters' send them more bricks.
2020-07-25 10:17 pm

It's båsed on this false notion thať Blåck 
Amėrican's are this persecuted grôup whô 
neėd's free thing's given to them fôr litėrålly
nothing !!

2020-07-25 4:13 pm
@mark IX why don’t you enlighten us on the virtues of Marxism? 
2020-07-25 4:06 pm
Honest to god, I'd love to know what you think marxism is.  
2020-07-25 4:06 pm
All of you all are so scared of ordinary moms linking arms and regular dads with leaf blowers  . . . yet you were all ready to go all MAGA on the world . . . no wonder Trump has to send in his secret police . . . 
2020-07-26 12:33 am
I am increasingly disappointed in BLM. I support racial justice and equality, so I am in favour of peaceful protests. However, it has turned into a destructive movement, and it seems young white men are at the front of the vandalism and anarchy. 

Bringing down statues shows wanton criminality and does nothing except turn white people against the movement. Instead of tearing them down, black people should have statues of black people put up next to the ones they do not like, to show history to the world instead of trying to get rid of it. 

Beneficial change comes through education and cooperation, not destruction and aggression. 
2020-07-26 1:39 am
totally about all races being equal and giving our nation the best minds there are minds that are not from a old white mans brains that fuel our country  i can say that because i am an old white guy ..
2020-07-25 5:56 pm
The BLM has no philosophy -- it's simply against anything and anyone that seeks to stop black people doing what they want , when they want .

Black communities seem to blame all their circumstances ,their poor education , and their anti social and criminal behaviours on historic white oppression and slavery -- that they are simply oppressed victims .

Any Marxism is simply of the kind, -- "you've got it , I want it ,so I'll take it ".
2020-07-25 4:04 pm
neither, it's about cops murdering blacks. have you been under a rock?
2020-07-25 4:11 pm
Neither. It's about police brutality, and more generally about racially motivated violence. While you could say it is about racism, it's more specific than that.

Your ignorant questions make you sound utterly clueless about what Marxism is, Mick. Maybe you should look it up.
2020-08-04 3:40 am
Responses to articles cut off or did I say something that was True/Correct about all this BS Socialistic Narrative by big Corp! It's disgusting that the right can't say different of these $#@%!
參考: any left leaning socialist idealog
2020-07-27 3:38 am
No.  They also life to loot and burn.
2020-07-27 3:18 am
PROBABLY MARXISM..........................................

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