Is James' or James's or James'es or James'es'es correct?

2020-07-25 4:22 am
Im leaning of the James'es'es side

回答 (4)

2021-01-30 6:02 pm
James's is probably more correct but looks rather odd so would be more likely to use James'. I imagine both are acceptable.
2020-07-25 10:54 pm
I would imagine that Jameses' would mean belonging to many (plural) James. James singular is normally indicated by " James' ".  I do say Jamezez for plural James (for the written word James' ; my son is named James so I have had to deal with this one many times).
2020-07-25 4:56 am
The most common way to indicate the possessive of James is James'
2020-07-25 4:26 am
Since the name is James, then the possessive form, based on convention (tradition) would be James's.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:54:19
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