Catholic were the first to #go all# worship false idols .
It diffiCULT to not do that when the bible is pure Fairy Tale .
Some Christian false idols are sillier than others but no denomination has false idols according to each sect . Jesus is the central false idol but how are Christian supposed to believe that and still be believers ?
Yes, the original and true Christian Church has prayed that prayer for 2,000 years. Which part of the prayer do you have a problem with? Do you deny that Mary was filled with God's grace in becoming the mother of the Savior? Do you deny that the Lord was with her, in a way more personal than any other human being has ever been with Him? Do you deny that she was blessed in a way no other woman has ever been blessed? Do you deny that the fruit of her womb, Jesus, was blessed?
uncertain what the words "do Catholics pray the bible " is asking
a PRAYER aka as a PETITION is a solemn request addresses to a god proposition or object of worship in WORD or THOUGHT
BLESSED a term to express a person or object is held in reverence or venerated
VENERATED : regarded with respect or admiring deference
the associated Catholic prayer titled " HAIL MARY " first appeared in print in 1495 AD in GIROLAMO based mainly on the two phrase in the GOSPEL of LUKE , so yes they have a Biblical foundation
" hail full of grace the lord is with thee " basically a reference to in modern day greetings HEY HELLO i see " your pregnant ".......
... and a possible assertion its from a supernatural deity proposition
" blessed art thou among women , and blessed is the FRUIT of thy womb "
the name MARY is added in the 13th century per commentary of Thomas AQUINAS
asserted to be the words of a ANGEL named Gabrielle LUKE is a follower of PAUL the earliest manuscript of the Luke gospel is 170 - 200 AD as to direct knowledge of reporting very much in question
Yeah but it’s not biblical. I find it funny that Catholics believe in Hail Mary, the rosary and other unbiblical stuff, but don’t believe the rapture, which is DESCRIBED in the Bible. Makes no sense 😂
The Hail Mary prayer is a very common part of Catholic tradition including the rosary as well as it is a standard part of every mass. At least it was at the churches I attended.
(Matthew 7:21-23) 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’