2 threats to mankind: Covid - govts do whatever is necessary AGW -  govts do the bare minimum WHY?

2020-07-24 1:38 am
Deaths from Covid happened as predicted therefore actions immediate and draconian were introduced and universally supported because of sound empirical evidence. 
In contrast activist James Hansen introduced man made global warming terror 32yrs ago and still no empirical evidence exists.Signature predictions like the Himalayas being snow and ice free, the Maldives sunk, Manhatten highway en route to being under water, polar bear numbers NOT decreasing all flat out wrong. Add in robust global temps (UAH satelite and USCRN) showing  nothing of concern and the answer to why sound bites and lip service beset "dangerous" (Obama) man made climate change is obvious - it is a robust science bereft fallacy

回答 (6)

2020-07-24 2:18 am
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Both have the same potential for government. Massive power grabs.

Politicians have by far the greatest incentive for increasing central government power. They use it to draw money (buying influence over policy) to themselves.

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence. It is force, and like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." - G. Washington

With the advent of massive information sources big bro is having a hard time stamping out the facts surrounding the AGW scheme.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." (H. L. Mencken.)

"Never let a crisis go to waste" - Rahm Emanuel

2020-07-24 2:29 am
Their original predictions predicted million(s) of deaths due to them relying on faulty computer models. .  Even with their weird counting, it isn't anywhere near that.  Covid mostly kills old people and many times due to very bad medical care.  Most of the deaths is from an over-reaction of the immune system.  It isn't a threat to humanity.  Novel diseases tend to take some time before they become less deadly.  With this disease, it mostly affects people that are too old to have kids.  Biologically that is important.  They h
2020-07-24 2:33 am
Corona death rate has plummeted since April, but you won't hear a peep from the communist media.  All they can focus on is cases, which, of course, are up since there's more testing.

It's the same for climate chang.  Extreme weather has been down for decades.  I have documented this with peer review and other authoritative sources.

Climate deaths are also down.Polar bears are up, global trees are up, and global food production is up (see chart below).

If any alarmist here wants to honestly debate the science, then bring it.They won't because all they have is failed predictions from fortune telling.
2020-07-24 4:28 am
To the anonymous poster who said deaths are increasing.  Yes, if you have 15 million deaths and the next minute you have 15 million plus 1--then yeah, that's an increase. Obviously

But that's not meaningful.  That's why you go by death rate.
2020-07-24 4:07 am
The U.S. government does the bare minimum. Only in Sweden have they done less and that cost them  565dead/million.  The U.S. trails with 441d/mil. Every other country is trying to do better and help the citizens more. Deaths are INCREASING.   U.S. has a nutty leader.
2020-07-24 6:43 pm
Numbers, numbers, numbers. That is the bane of true science. Numbers can be eliminated, science by numbers is alarmist corrupted science and it is destroying the way the common people live, through totalitarianism.

Look at UN agenda 2030 for your answer as to what is occurring before your eyes!! 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:55:32
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