A helium-filled weather balloon has a volume of 794 L at 22.9°C and 751 mmHg. It is released and rises to an altitude of 2.16 km,?

2020-07-23 2:05 pm
 where the pressure is 634 mmHg and the temperature is 8.9°C.

The volume of the balloon at this altitude is

回答 (2)

2020-07-23 4:44 pm
Original: P₁ = 751 mmHg, V₁ = 794 L, T₁ = (273.2 + 22.9) K = 296.1 K
At the altitude: P₂ = 634 mmHg, V₂ = ? L, T₂ = (273.2 + 8.9) K = 282.1 K

Combined gas law: P₁V₁/T₁ = P₂V₂/T₂
Then, V₂ = V₁ × (P₁/P₂) × (T₂/T₁)

Volume at the altitude, V₂ = 794 × (751/634) × (282.1/296.1) L = 896 L
2020-07-23 4:29 pm
PV=nRT <<<memorize!!
n is moles, R is gas constant (use correct one!), T is temp in K (C+273.15)
Since you have a before and after with the same n &R simplifies to
PV/T initial = nR = PV/T final
Now sub in your numbers and solve

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