How To Get Red Ears? ?

2020-07-23 12:02 am
Hi, I was wondering how do I get red ears. Sometimes my ears go really red but other times it’s white & nothing happens, so how do I make my ears red? 
No stupid answers that would cause pain. Five stars for best answer Thank you for reading & answering 

回答 (7)

2020-07-23 12:55 am
Wrong forum!       .
2020-07-23 3:20 am
You can paint them or apply washable hair dye to the skin after making a small skin test, 24 hours in advance.
2020-07-27 12:37 pm
find something that makes you blush really really hard. 
2020-07-24 6:43 am
Are you a dog., .......... 
2020-07-23 4:04 am
A red sharpie marker should do the trick!
2020-07-23 3:16 am
Your genetics does not say you have red ears.  You will have to get your DNA altered.
2020-07-23 2:11 am
Call your Vet and make an appointment for an examination.  If you have stand up ears (like a GSD), that's one issue.  If you have fold over ears (like a Lab), that's another issue.

The visit should not cause pain.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:53:10
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