請問在管學院之下的資管系, 碩士畢業後英文文憑是MBA 嗎? ?

2020-07-21 11:19 pm
最近才讀完資管碩士, 拿到文憑立刻傻眼, 居然英文文憑是 Master of Business Administration. 系上給我的答案是, 因為資管系在管學院之下, 所以碩士文憑是MBA. 

我一直避免讀MBA, 因為博士班我想讀的是 CS (computer science) 相關, 如果就我之前的理解文憑是MSIS (Master of Science in Information System) 那切入 CS 就不太有問題. 現在拿到的 MBA, 差異有夠大的. 

回答 (3)

2020-07-22 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
2020-07-22 7:56 pm
When you study MBA with Buz A/C Econ and Prog Info System, not Organization Behavior- Finance, you're not studying MSIS under Buz Sc. for CS in phD.
2020-07-22 4:15 am
Sorry to say - this is your own mistake.

In general, MIS is a subject under Business School. Also - as a MBA student, business subjects like accounting and economics are required. 

So when you are required to take accounting and economics courses, this is a really big hint that you are not studying CS.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:13:13
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