I am 72 years old. I was sitting in front of two other people when I realized I had nothing left! I was devastated!!!
I know "Things" are not the best things in life and, I appreciate my blessings but come on, this was my booty for my daughters. It was all I personally had to give them when I died.
She is dying of cancer and she has the attitude; What the fck do I care? I knew she felt this way but, I 'trusted' her to watch over our home when we were away. I never would have believed in a million years, she would be so insensitive as to do this to me.
It's gone and I cannot bring it back. I cannot/will not make her confess to this because, she doesn't care anymore. Bringing her to her knees ain't gonna help anyone. She would 'come clean' and I know, it would be devastating for her to do this.
I could not even bring charges against her if I could - she has nothing!
I know this is a harsh lesson to me - and it isn't: "I cannot trust anyone!" The lesson I must learn is; be thankful for the Blessings I have been given. This does not in any way include; "Things"! Let it go! :D
Yet - it is she who is teaching me; 'how' to let go!
These are 'invaluable' lessons we all must learn from. For her - it was "Trust". She needed to feel someone would trust her to a fault and, she had little time to get this. We all have a journey in this life with our own unique Truth to carry us through - regardless how much it hurts to 'get over it' and, go forward. I am learning as I speak. Thank you Yahoo! for allowing me to share this "OVERCOMING" before the world! This is overwhelming to me!!!
And I think, this experience could be so much worse if, my own Karma was backfiring! I am Thankful! :D
I feel now after discerning this experience, that she knew she was dying and sub-consciously removed herself from my life by doing something that should not have forgiven. However, I don't judge anyone for anything they do. I texted her and told her I forgave her, loved and wished her the best and that I would miss her greatly in my life. :D