Self-healing concrete by biological substrate 生物自我修復混凝土?

2020-07-18 10:25 am
1) Mechanism機制 
As my understanding, the self-healing process by bio need water to activate. 
However, water seepage is one of the main cause of concrete defect. 
The mechanism of concrete spalling seem contradict with the mechanism of self-healing. 
If a crack noted at concrete, water apply it will case reinforcement corrosion. 
Negative impact of concrete spalling case by reinforcement corrosion is bigger than the benefit of self-healing of crack. 
However, if the product get negative bigger than benefit, it cannot be product in the market. 
There should be some wrong understanding of self-healing concrete or something important thing overlooked 
Any one can provide more information for the mechanism of self-healing concrete? 
Great Thanks 
2) Application cost in Hong Kong (e.g. unit rate)香港應用的價格3) Any project example about caption apply in Hong Kong construction? 香港應用例子

回答 (1)

2020-07-20 10:16 am
小弟並非建築業人,但查考這類self-healing concrete的技術時留意到"所謂的自我修復裂痕最大只是300um(micrometer) 300x10-6m=0.3mm,跟你說的 spalling 的情況似乎是兩個不同的情況。


回應你的疑問,我想生物性的物質雖然應該"吸水",但生物(例如藻類或微菌)吸水後繁殖 其實便成為植物細胞,而這些細胞填充了裂隙,反而可以防止液態水的入滲。由於牠們不像樹根那樣會脹大變硬,因此當往內填滿了裂縫便只會向外生長,我看若然就算沒控的話(生產商應該會考慮這點而作出操控生長的機制/反制吧)亦只會數年後見到石屎面佈滿綠色的地衣吧。(誇張的想像)



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