Has science made religion useless?

2020-07-17 7:10 am

回答 (9)

2020-07-17 9:25 am
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For explaining things, yes. 
But science still can't beat religion for controlling people and taking their money.
2020-07-17 7:20 am
Religion made religion useless.  It's only use was to explain thunder. It no longer does that.
 After that, it is just used as a fraud we could all do better without.
2020-07-17 7:11 am
No --- religion has always been useless.  
Knowledge, science, and learning simply help you realize that.
2020-07-17 2:42 pm
OBVIOUSLY ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2020-07-17 10:06 am
For lots of people,
it has.


John Popelish
2020-07-17 10:22 am
OMG! Most definitely not! Science is still evolving. They alter their theories every 20 years or so as they learn new things. Jesus and the Father have known from the very beginning everything that science has learned or "discovered." 
2020-07-17 7:20 am
not in any way......
2020-07-18 11:03 pm
The stagnation (beliefs and taboos) is against life .
2020-07-17 7:53 am
Professor Erwin Schrödinger - Wikiquote 

Professor Erwin Schrödinger (Austrian) was a Nobel Laureate in Quantum Physics  

(Quote) "This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. This, as we know, is what the Brahmins express in that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear; "Tat Tvam Asi, this is you. "Or, again, in such words as "I am in the east and the west, I am above and below, I am this entire world." (en-Quote) 

Post Script => तत तवं असि => Tat Tvam Asi => You are verily the BrahmaN (The Supreme Being) is in Chaandogya Upanishad -6-8-7-Saaman Vedam 
參考: Erwin Schrödinger - Wikiquote
2020-07-17 4:43 pm

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