I don't understand how Christ's death benefited me, could anyone explain, thanks?

2020-07-17 6:26 am

回答 (11)

2020-07-17 7:02 am
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No, because it didn't.
2020-07-17 6:34 am
You're not supposed to actually read the fine print.  You're just supposed to be impressed by the carrot and scared of the stick.  Now get back in line, and don't forget to leave a little something on the collection plate.
2020-07-17 6:33 am
His death doesn't benefit anyone unless they are His. 
2020-07-17 7:11 am
It benefits you if you receive His gift of salvation.  He died for those who believe in Him and trust in His shed blood on the cross as payment for their sins; and that He rose from the dead the third day and is in heaven now preparing a place for you.  Please read the New Testament for more information.  I suggest starting with the Gospel of John. 
2020-07-17 6:48 am
No.  Like this:  

I don't understand how Christ's death benefited me.  Could anyone explain?  Thanks.
2020-07-17 7:03 am
History has always been shaped based on divine law, whether humans acknowledge it or not. Nations and empires rise and fall based on the testimony of divine legal witnesses called 'martyrs.' A 'martyr' is someone who has witnessed evil occurring and can testify to it clearly. Evil often obscures its activities, so GOD does not act against it legally until there is direct 'proof.' A martyr provides that proof. 

Jesus was the ultimate 'martyr' against evil, bringing the downfall of the greatest empire of the ancient world. They had unlawfully executed the most perfectly righteous man who ever lived. Jesus promised that His testimony would bring about a new world in which 'the first would be last and the last first,' (Mark 10:29-31).

These verses also contain a description of an unprecedented new form of shared prosperity based on new models for family, business and farm established by Christ and based upon His declaration of total authority over the world, (Matthew 28:18-20).

Jesus was, in effect, commanding into existence the 'modern' world, the end of the age of the former 'first families' of the world, the liberation of all of their 'slaves,' (like you and your tribes once were), the training of those 'nobodies' until they could rule in place of the former aristocrats, the gathering together of all world knowledge to these ends, (first begun in the original 'university' system established by Christian prodigy in the Holy Spirit), the end to all 'culture wars' over ethnicity, birth class and gender, (Galatians 3:28), using a new system of economic equality through a New Covenant of universal forgiveness and cross tribal brotherhood.

After this has all taken place and the world has been transformed, it becomes easy to assume that it was all 'inevitable' with or without Christ, with or without His inspired followers and with or without their spectacular contributions to every culture on earth. That 'spin' doesn't change the reality, however. 

All of that is just the practical and 'worldly' contribution which Christ's sacrifice gave to you and yours and  continues to provide for you. This testimony is designed to alert you to something even more important in the hope of convincing you of Christ's willingness and capacity to achieve something 'eternal' for you. The rest of the 'good news' is very personal and involves the redemption of your eternal soul, the salvation of your household and even the eventual resurrection and transformation of your body into an indestructible form capable of surviving all of the shifts and changes of the coming ages as you move forward into them with GOD. 

The more you understand about what a visit from Almighty GOD in Human Form has already done for you and for the rest of the world in practical real-world terms, the more 'believable' and understandable the rest will become. 
2020-07-17 10:37 am
All mankind is doomed to eternal torment because of the sin of Adam, the first man. We inherited Adam's sinful habits. Christ's sufferings and death pay the price of our sinfulness. God established a blood sacrifice as payment for sin. Jesus died for us, as our payment.  
2020-07-17 7:42 am
1 Cor. 15:1-4, Isaiah 53.
2020-07-17 4:46 pm
2020-07-17 6:29 am
Since HE died for the sins of mankind, you can have eternal life merely for asking and trying to follow his example 

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