Do you think cutting off social media will make me happier if I just want to focus on my mental health and Life?

2020-07-15 9:30 pm

回答 (21)

2020-07-20 1:29 am
Of course ,without any doubt, try for a week , it will work.
2020-07-18 2:35 am
if u want  to focus on your mental health and life.than you do this
2020-07-16 5:45 am
Yes, I truly believe in that idea. Sometimes, Social media is destroying our mental health silently and we are not even aware of that. People consistently flaunting their big house, handsome/beautiful spouse or partner, big car, expensive things, luxurious lifestyle can take a toll on our mental health and overall wellbeing. This is
2020-07-16 4:29 am
Don't use social media for a few months and see if it helps but I enjoy yahoo answers but I do not use facebook or any other social media
2020-07-15 11:31 pm
It's impossible to give you an accurate, informative answer based solely on what you wrote above.  There's nothing wrong with trying it and see what happens.
2020-07-16 2:03 am
And yet you ask this rather than just try it out.  Do you want to know why you will fail?
2020-07-15 11:52 pm
You need to use social media for atleast 4 hours a day and dont fight or argue with anyone but using social media continously for long hours will make you depressed or something.
2020-07-22 7:32 pm
It made me wanna go out and interact with people even with all my anxiety. And I did, best summer of my life
2020-07-22 3:03 am
100% yes. I cut off reddit and my life improved and got a lot more happy since I did
2020-07-21 9:58 pm
Maybe it could upset you when people post what a great time they are having.

There are loads of other sites. I got rid of my account cos I got found by 2 people and it really shook me up.
2020-07-18 1:41 pm
It might. I don't get on facebook. Too much gossip.
2020-07-18 7:28 am
Yes . We didn't evolve to stare at screens. As convenient as it can be, having a break from it can be a breath of fresh air 'literally' getting exercise outside.
2020-07-17 7:55 pm
This will be very good for you.  Take a walk outside in the morning.  Breath some fresh air.  Read a regular book that will teach you something useful.  Social Media is a good way to get in touch, but so is a phone call or a short visit.
2020-07-17 1:45 am
There are times when I wish I had the guts to put all this electronic stuff down and walk away from it forever.  But then I would have to stop playing this game and then also stop surfing the web and be out of contact with family and friends.  Oh what a dilemma.  I'll get over it soon and focus back on my surfing the web.  Not a lasting disturbance. Can't let it bother me too much. 
2020-07-16 11:51 pm
That depends how much you use social media. Yahoo answers is the only place I waste time. I do not use a phone at all, except to make phone calls. 
You are probably much better staying away from all the negativity of social media. It is summer. Go out and enjoy the real world. 
2020-07-16 2:49 pm
I don't know if it would make you feel happier, I can only share my experience. 

On 1 Jan I deleted my facebook, I don't use other social media.
For a couple of days I felt weird, I felt I was missing out, I didn't know what was going on in the world, I didn't scroll down my newsfeed 500 times a day. 
It felt weird but it passed. 
I started studying German, I watched films instead of silly memes and I didn't see the comment section thanks god. 
I became more relaxed and more productive.

Luckily I never used facebook to sign in to websites, so no problem at all. 

The only reason I am back now, as there are a lot of job searching groups on it, I only added my brother as a friend, so as soon as I find a job, I'm off again. 
2020-07-16 11:23 am
From one Jack to the other, yes I think this is a good idea, but sadly it is easier said then done, we need our phones for things so the temptation is always there. I need social media as a Realty student, I can't just shut it off. But if you are in a situation were you can I think it is definitely the best option.
2020-07-16 10:46 am
Yes, as I have done the same. And I only say yes, because you already feel this way or would not be asking.  When anything in life is uncomfortable, it is a sign that it is not right for you.   One nice thing is that if you go off of it for a few months, you can always go back on.   I honestly believe our problems stem from the youth utilizing social media.   they have become self absorbed, and have no idea how to communicate with the world in person.   It has become a meme and anything like that makes other things bigger, just like going to parties and not worrying about giving some one else covid.   I think social media is bad.  just my opinion.
2020-07-15 9:51 pm
maybe, I just said no to social media, YH answers is the closest I ever got.....
2020-07-18 4:31 pm
maybe have a time limit of how much time u spend on social media
2020-07-16 12:08 am
Yes.  You will enjoy life as a hermit.

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